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Everything posted by rpmfla

  1. So my female Wizard says "Can't move now!" after disarming traps successfully. Of course she can move. This is a wrongly triggered statement.
  2. I just went back to try again and it happened 3 straight times. There is no way my wizard should die from a melee attack from 20 feet away! Do the developers read these posts?
  3. Yes, I agree that this is the explanation and I also agree that it should not work that way. The melee attacker should just swing, miss, and yell "get back here you squishy magic user"!
  4. My wizard casts Fetid Caress on a charging melee fighter and then moves well out of melee range to cast another spell or two before Fetid Caress wears off. When Fetid Caress wears off, the melee fighter swings his weapon (at the wizard that was there before he was paralyzed) and kills my wizard who is now standing 25 ft. away. That should not happen.
  5. Yes, I did read somewhere that White March added several enemy types that resist the damage my Monk does with just fists (crush damage I believe). I managed to get to lvl 10 or so without even drinking potions, so I really enjoyed the minimalist approach to this build. However, if there are multiple high lvl enemies later on that are immune to my main attack I will have to resort to scrolls. I really wish I could just "enhance" my fists to do elemental damage or something similar. This build is so uncomplicated (no equipment, etc. to worry about...I'm basically running around in a loincloth ; )) Thanks for your advice!
  6. Thanks Loren Tyr and Stasis Sword. It is fine that the damage would be incredibly low since my monk can actually fight a Wind Blight without taking any damage. By the way, I haven't been adding to Lore so I haven't used scrolls with this build (my Monk is lvl 12).
  7. My question was based on the limitations spelled out here of this specific build. No weapons allowed. I figured there was a way to add some other type of damage to fists (elemental, etc.) that would work on the Wind Blights. BTW, the only summon I have is the Oaken Scarab. So...anyone want to help me with Wind Blights (and other things immune to fists)?
  8. My question was based on the limitations spelled out here of this specific build. No weapons allowed. I figured there was a way to add some other type of damage to fists (elemental, etc.) that would work on the Wind Blights. BTW, the only summon I have is the Oaken Scarab.
  9. Well, it has been much smoother sailing since I leveled up to 10, except when I got to level 7 of Caed Nua. Wind Blights are IMMUNE to my fists. Would adding one of the offensive talents that adds poison, or some such additional damage do the trick? Other ideas anyone? Thanks! What to do against creatures IMMUNE to my skills. P.S. I did Cinders of Faith the first try after taking the advice I got here!
  10. Well that sure made it easier! Thanks. I am still hesitant to try Cinders of Faith, but was able to do each of the ones I mentioned without too much trouble. Downing a few endurance potions did the trick.
  11. Thanks for the tips! I haven't used potions or summons yet. Somehow I got from your description that they were not allowed. How do you use summons? From scrolls? I haven't used scrolls either. ...just an occasional banana before battle...that has been it for my consumption of any "buffs". By the way, I waited for your (or anyone else willing to help) response before leveling up to 9. Knowing the trouble I'm having, is Enervating Blows still my best choice at 9? Thanks for the help.
  12. Well, I will say this is a fun and different build, but I am struggling in key areas. I do fine if I have a way to use the environment to my advantage, but in closed spaces with mobs I don't last long. I have started trying to save certain fights for when I am higher level. The sanitarium basement (Uscgrim, etc.), the trade deal on the bridge, the missing sentries,...basically places where I have no way to pick off one or two at a time. As soon as I have to deal with a mob in a closed area I'm dead. I am just about to level up to 9. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
  13. So far so good. I usually play range characters...using magic or range weapons. I happened across this build and liked the minimalism of it. It will be interesting to not have to deal with weapon stats or armor or anything else. I've been taking damage but fights are over so quickly it is not a problem so far. Thanks for the unique build concept.
  14. Ok, please disregard my previous post. I just needed to go one more screen into the character build to see that one gets a bonus of 1 point to whichever stat they choose.
  15. Pardon me...newby here. I wanted to try out this build and when I went to select the attributes I ended up with one less point than you have. Is there something you didn't mention (or I overlooked) for that additional point? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
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