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Everything posted by cthulhuspawn82

  1. I'm worried about buying chests because I dont know how it can mess with the boons you find in scenarios. If you do end up getting something like 100 foxes in you inventory, then almost every ally you encounter in scenarios will be a fox. That would make it really hard to "farm" for the cards you need. Is there a way to change take cards out of your vault? Or maybe a way to turn off extra cards gained from chests?
  2. Some things still dont seem to add up for me. Kyra has the flaming mace +1. Its still shown in the vault. According to the gallery, there should only be 1 of them. Some other cards seem to be following the same behavior, e.g. more of a card in my vault/decks than the gallery suggests. Merisiel even came across the flaming mace +1 but that was at a time when Kyra was out of the party. The flaming mace is still in the vault even with Kyra in the party however suggesting it could still come up. The vault also seems to reset every time you do an adventure. The cards for deck 1 aren't listed until after you complete a scenario from deck 1. If you complete a scenario from deck B, it goes back to not showing the deck 1 cards. I know the deck 1 cards dont show up in the basic scenarios, but the constantly changing vault causes confusion and doesn't allow you to see the cards for a deck unless your just finished a scenario from that deck.
  3. Are cards in a characters deck taken out of the vault, just like in the physical game? Meaning for example, if there are 3 force missiles, and Ezren has all 3 in his deck, you wont see them pop up in scenarios. My second question, assuming the first answer is yes, is does this only count for members in the active party, or for all currently saved characters? Finally, when viewing the vault, do the cards and the numbers represented show the total that is available before or after factoring out the ones currently in a deck?
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