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Everything posted by Latex-Ben

  1. Well it`s worth it it`s a very good crystal when you get high up in level!
  2. I liked Sion best he had the coolest voice in the game and is more sith then anything I ever seen in the Star Wars! They really hit Jackpot with him. After that I like Atton hes cool, plain simple cool!
  3. I disagree with the one saying that the Exile should only appear on the end of KOTOR3 I would want it to be like this. It ask`s if you have played KOTOR2 then it scans your exile characther and finds out what force powers, alligement, lightsaber and class! And from there on continue were kotor2 ended but I also do want a new characther but I want the exile to be the main one! And I want to see the Exile as a new leader of the jedi`s and hes party also as Jedi masters together they start new Jedi teachings the ones we know from the Star Wars movies the origen of the Jedi`s as we know them from the movie :cool:
  4. Did you make Kreia Focus the crystal for you? She needs to focus it when your characther becomes hes more in into light or darkside of the force or second jedi profession like master or Maurudaur!
  5. Wops silly me! It`s been a while since I played the game and I just got Weaponmaster today and my Crystal changed now it glows faintly! So now I need higher level to get it to bright fully! But oh yeah it glows if your light side it gets to a point when it will bright blindly something like that! If your DS it will become dark looking!
  6. I know from other times playing the game that shouldent pet crystal when you get light mastery/dark mastery go from like tranqulant to Shins brightly! I started a new game and I get Kreia to focus it for me I am light master but the crystal wont change to glows brightly! It did this the first time I played the game! The second time I was DS and it also went from like casual to Dark glow! But it does not cahnge now for some reason <_<
  7. I get my first on Telos from the Ithorians! Then most of the time I am part light or dark! So I travel to Daantoine! There I go out of the ebon hawk and enter again and visas is there! I defeat here and get a new part! Then I go out on Daantoine and get the last part from that dude hideing from the lagiraks! After that I go strictly to Crystal cave and takes all the crystal I need!
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