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  1. PRuano's post in Shuffle function need a tweak was marked as the answer   
    Did a small experiment, and although the sample was small, it points to the fact that you guys are just unlucky.
    Managed to cycle throw the top card 45 times, and only got 4 repetitions, on a single try.
    You may wanna try it yourself.
    The trick is using Merisiel Evade power to get the top card, evade, force reshuffle.
    To setup, go to a quest and create a party with Merisiel (for the peek and shuffle), Kyra (for the 6 blessings and cure Merisiel), Seela (for 6 blessings and cure), Sajan (for 8 blessings), Lem (for 5 blessings and cure) and Lini (for 4 blessings and Cure)
    Next put all chars on Town Hall (if available, the best since it allows a new explore with any type of card, not only blessings or allies) or another that allows extra explorations (either through discard or other effect).
    Merisiel turn will be:
    - explore, evade, use blessing/ally/location power, repeat until no more cards can be used to explore (be mindfull of always leave enouch cards in hand that you never run lower than 5 with hand reset)
    For OTHER chars:
    - give card to Merisiel (preferably blessings or allies that allow extra exploration, or other cards if location allow discard to explore), cure Merisiel if possible (Kyra has Cure spells AND Heal power) and then skip turn.
    For each Merisiel exploration, make note of card drawn; for better results, keep a table with a number and a card, and just keep track of card number.
    Do above until blessings deck runs out.
    Then just check number of sequential cards drawn.
    Results will vary of course, but doubt very much it will be 50% on average like you claim.
    Its obviously an empiric and limited method, since we cannot program a large number iterations of draw a card, put back card and reshuffle of the location deck that would give better results, but does gives an idea that the shuffling method isnt as flawed as claimed (not claiming its good either, like i said its an ineffective method and only allows a small sampling for testing, which cannot give a good evaluation of the algorithm, but not as flawed as claimed).
  2. PRuano's post in Greatclub was marked as the answer   
    Apparently is right
    A masterworks greatclub, how about that?! :/
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