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Ultimo Noressi

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Posts posted by Ultimo Noressi

  1. Best crpg I've ever played besides Planescape:Torment. Love the world, love the story, love the lore.  While I did like Baldur's Gate I could never commit myself to the "Planet Europe" lore of D&D games of that era. And for me I find Durance and Eder much more interesting than the npcs of the BG games anyway. (Durance is ****ing awesome in such a wrong way its not even funny)



    Looooove the Vailians

  2. Am I moving exceedingly slow, or is this a semi-normal pace for the game? This being my first CRPG, I have no idea what the norm is. 


    I have a feeling it's kinda slow, cause I'm taking my time, reading everything I come across, and just enjoying myself. Loving the game so far, and I know it doesn't matter how long I take to play/beat the game, but I'm just intrigued.

    Sounds about right, in crpgs the journey IS the game, so its going to take a while, that's just how they are. They aren't made for rushing (and will punish you harshly if you do) they are more like an old school romantic honeymoon with your newlywed wife. Take your time and enjoy all the sights and feels along the way ;D

  3. *Adventuring in Old Vailia, I'd like to see a great Vailian -MALE- npc thank you, and not an old man, can we have a cool young black guy as a character for once who is like a wizard, ranger, ciper, you know something not so typical. *glares at rogue* It would be awesome if he had one of those "Houses on the Ocean" that the Vailians tend to have, this way we can adventure in other parts of the world


    *The ability to have more than one Vailian/Ixmatl/Boreal Dwarf npc part of the party at the same time with their own distinct storylines (sorry if the so called traditionalists get offended by having too many coloreds in their game - I mean why reflect a multiracial world at its fullest eh? /sarcasm)

    *More bantering between npcs

    *More Eder

    *More Aloth

    *Adventuring in the Adeyr republic

    *I'd like to see Rauatai

    *Better weapon differentation

    *Better armor differentation

    *Multiplayer - even if its just co-op

    *DM Mode

  4. Personally I love everything about the story and I think the characters are well done without being intrusive or overbearing. I don't like games that try to overdo the humor, I much prefer a subtle laugh//chuckle (Eador is hilarious) than an forced "I'm funny!" outright bluster when it comes to comedy. Sorry those that feel differently but I like this game's story more than I like the story for Baldur's Gate 2 and I love the characters even more. There isn't anyone I dislike so far.

  5. With the guide to character creation from Sensuki out a more serious problem remains. What names to give?


    I know my main character will be called Pari which means fairy in farsi. It's one of the main characters in the book Traumsammler

    But for the others i have currently no idea.






    That's easy, use a baby name generator. Find the names that resemble the ethnicities of this game's names the most. ie: For the Vailians I would use an Italian baby name generator.


    Can someone modify this one for me? Thanks

    How do you want it modified?  Just cropped for use in game? (in which case - easy)

    Or do you want something more in-depth (in which case - not so easy, afraid you'll have to ask someone else)

    In case it's the former - see below (I also sharpened the image slightly - if you just want a straight crop or includng more of the image, let me know - or download a copy of GIMP for free - it's easy to learn to  crop and resize)


    Just something for use in the game, thanks!


    Vailian culture isn't just Italian, theres a mix of French and I think maybe Spanish stuff in there too? So theres a lot more you can draw from. For example Alexandre Dumas who wrote the Three Musketeers was a French POC. So you could make a Vailian Musketeer type, theres at least one great portrait for that as well as the Vailian clothing which is perfect for that. Dumas would approve I'm sure.


    His father was a general during the French Revolution, I put a picture of him up earlier. He is the only black French Major General in history, or at least the only one to lead soldiers into battle. His mother was a slave in what is today Haiti and his father was a French noble which created the perverse situation that in the Caribbean he was a slave but in France he was an aristocrat. Fortunately his father moved back to France and he entered the military like a noble do. The rest is history.




    Chevalier de Saint-Georges


    Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges (French: [sɛ̃.ʒɔʁʒ]; also Saint-George; December 25, 1745 – June 10, 1799)[1] was a champion fencer, a virtuoso violinist and conductor of the leading symphony orchestra in Paris. Born in Guadeloupe, he was the son of George Bologne de Saint-Georges, a wealthy planter, and Nanon, his African slave.[2] During the French Revolution, Saint-Georges was colonel of the 'Légion St.-Georges,'[3] the first all-black regiment in Europe, fighting on the side of the Republic. Today the Chevalier de Saint-Georges is best remembered as the first classical composer of African ancestry

    • Like 1

    Hardly surprising for something supposed to loosely borrow from the roman empire.

    It is to me. The game is set in a former colonial frontier, where the colonist exploited and enslaved the natives... Usually it this point, it turns into a "black and white" story\morality (pun intended), with the white devils who are corrupt, evil and without any redeemable qualities vs the brave and courageous people of color who are all saints and philosophers.


    So yeah it is good to see a splash and mix of history as reminder that human nature isn't bound by skin color or circumstances. In our case vallian culture belong to the oldest, most advanced and expansive empire. They are elitist and the most prominent slave traders. I'd love to see how it plays out.


    EDIT: Also the Aedyr are the ones who are loosely resemble the roman empire.



    Sorry you feel this way, people only remember the things that are the most recent. As a POC myself I know the roles that -every- race played in the slavery trade in all times of history, I am fully aware of the roles that black nobles and black moors during the Dark Ages played in the TransAtlantic African, Irish, Native American slave trades. So I hope you do not think there aren't those of us who are POC who are fully aware of the truth of history. I for one know that there were just as many black devils as there were white ones.


    But that is another subject, I'd like this to stay a thank you thread, thanks.

    • Like 1
  9. Good post. I can agree with your sentiment. We can rarely be found sometimes in these genre of games.  Like the history you posted also. 


    Amazing when one can dig and find hidden information about the past.

    There is alot of it believe it or not on this very subject. Despite modern teaching this history is more common than many think, care to believe or teach.  Way, way more common. It made me smile to see Obsidian making use of it, whether it was intentional or not. And its what got me ready to purchase the game.

  10. unlike some of the veterans here, my obsession with the genre only started back in 2011-12. indirectly, it was obsidian that made me a fan of this genre. it all started with new vegas. what i found when playing that game is a whole another new experience back in 2011. i've played dragon age and elder scroll games before, but upon new vegas, it is just really a whole different experience. the world building, NPC complexity, writing, the world and how it react to what you did, it's all just harmoniously blend into one amazing experience.


    that excited high school student at the time just opened door to a whole new genre of videogame he's been missing his whole life. i looked up about who made new vegas, and found out it wasn't bethesda, and discovered obsidian, and the connection to black isle guys. wanting more, i looked up fallout 1 and 2 which were made by the key persons of obsidian, and i torrented fallout 1, and tried it for the first time. it was little rough at first. everything looks blurry, controls and interface are clunky, all the complaints "younger gamers" usually have playing olden games.


    after 10 hour or so, i weirdly fell in love with that ancient software and from that i began to slowly overlook the muddy part, and found a hidden gem beneath decades old dust in them. after that i started with morrowind, then planescape torment, which is probably the best thing i have ever played at that time, i fell even deeper in love, then the infamous baldur's gate series, KOTOR 1/2, jade empire, fallout 2, NWN and indie titles like avernum. since that i never stopped playing games from this genre. after i finished one games, immediately i moved on to another. though up until last year, like 50% of them were pirated, the others i bought from shared steam account. after i scored a nice part time job,around summer 2014 which gave me quite a disposable income, i started to actually buying my games, and steam started using my local currency really helps alot.


    i have played dozens of games, and it still feel like i'm just scratching the surface. there are just alot of wonderful games i haven't experienced and all these is absolutely going to keep me busy for years ahead, even not counting the new games.

    Make sure you get your hands on Planescape: Torment its like nothing you have ever seen before.

  11. Like the vaillians the most too. Some references to occitania is enough for me to go for a vaillian dude in the first playthrough :yes:

    We could even go back even more in time, and remain in the italian context, with emperor Septimius Severus.





    Don't forget Sir Maurice of Thebes, a Roman legion commander. I love this picture of him


    • Like 4
  12. I just wanted to thank you guys so much for the Vallians and their history, as a person of color its refreshing to always see the takes on POC when they appear in rpgs, many times nowadays POC's are nothing but the "brown color choice" option when it comes to videogames and as of late especially rpgs and mmorpgs which saddens me immensely. I also love the fact of how you pulled real history into the mix with the Vallians and their Italian flair instead of the typical African or increasingly popular Arab touches, there were POC in Europe as well, and some of them ruled. It makes me smile to see that there are those out there who have dug up actual history and used it in a game.


    And with that I'll leave these images of Alessandro Medicci a one time ruler of Florence. Thank you again guys. I hope you guys decide to make an mmorpg of this universe. Your first thousand will gladly come from me.



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  13. Being an avid Rifts player I think that Rifts would definitely be the Xbox's Final Fantasy, there is massive potential in the series as I feel its the most versatile as far as what one can do and what one can be. Right now the company is looking for a developer who wants to make Rifts games on other platforms, we all know that the series would be done justice on the 360 as any other console would not support an American/Western RPG


    Here is a letter from Alex from the Palladium boards stating that the company is interested in letting the license out.


    Hey, if you know of any company that would be interested in doing Rifts on another platform, contact them.


    Nokia only has the rights to do hand-helds. The rights for PS2 and similar platforms and PC games are still available.


    If you have any other questions, you can PM me directly.



    Alex Marciniszyn,

    Palladium Books


    I personally feel the license lends itself to so many different possibilites, to the BEST MMO world ever, action games, adventure games (Four Horseman fight, adventures in the magic zone dealing with Dweomer, Lazlo, Vampire Kingdoms, South America, CyberKnight/MysticKnight adventure games on the level of a Oblivion or a Zelda) and RTS (Tolkeen/Coalition war), (New German Republic/Gargoyle Kingdom)


    So come on guys, we all know developers read this site, and trust me, we need this game series to be exclusively Xbox (and PC)


    Bethesda, Bioware, Microsoft, Ensemble, Obsidian, NC soft, Im sure you guys can do this game series justice.


    I come from a game design background in the industry so any developers who want to know how to tackle the license in other ways pm me.

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