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About mastratton

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. So, today, I killed all 3 villains and had permanently closed all locations except the one where I encountered the last villain, and one other that was temp closed. I killed the 3rd villain, which closed that location. The game then made me move the characters from there to the location that was temporarily closed. So, then I run through that deck, encounter the henchman and kill him. No option to close that location. So, I burn through all the cards in the location deck and the game is over. No victory. All locations were permanently close, and the last location deck was out of cards. You have to be kidding me. This is really annoying.
  2. This needs to be fixed. That's a pretty bad bug, if people have to jump through all these hoops to finish the scenario.
  3. I had this same problem, only I couldn't close all the locations. I got to the blue arrow as well, and there was nothing I could do on any character. Tapping the arrow did nothing.
  4. Valeros has a Belt of Giant Strength, and it has been working fine until the most recent patch. Now, instead of adding +1 to his Strength check (such as a melee attack), it instead subtracts 2.
  5. That's an absurd way to implement that particular rule. I was about to post this as a bug until I read this. I hope they would change how it is implemented such that the shackles appear AFTER the check is failed.
  6. Here are some things I ran into playing this god-awful adventure: 1. In two separate games, Merisiel encountered the Nightbelly Boa and failed to defeat it. So, per the card, the goes on top of the deck. But on all of her turns, she couldn't do anything. I couldn't encounter it again, I couldn't move to another location, nothing - the only thing I could do was to end her turn. 2. I rescued 10 allies, it showed the victory, and I got the gold, etc. Then, after getting all the allies, adjusting my decks, etc., I can't get to the next scenario. Above, everyone says it takes 9 allies. What's the problem here? Is it a bug? Why can't I progress? EDIT: Ah, I see someone clarified something, and I missed it. Apparently, 9 is not the target for all games.
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