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Posts posted by DarkDogg

  1. Abilities: Here's where things become more difficult. Paladins have a lot of nice abilities, and not enough levels to take them all. Here's what I'm thinking at the moment (in the order I'll take them):


    Lay on Hands

    Zealous Focus

    Flames of Devotion

    Sworn Enemy

    Hastening Exhortation

    Aegis of Loyalty

    Sacred Immolation



    Lay on Hands is so good I feel like I have to take it, but perhaps this is a mistake? Zealous Focus seems like a no-brainer. Flames of Devotion allows for a powerful alpha strike with arquebus and also works well with the high base damage of a two-hander. Sworn Enemy is a big buff against tough enemies, though if I intend to go the Kind Wayfarer's route my Paladin should probably focus on squishier targets first so perhaps this is a bad pick? I have to admit I don't know if a Paladin can exhort themselves, and if they can't then perhaps this isn't the greatest pick, but it's still a great buff for other damage dealers in the party. Aegis of Loyalty gets picked for the lovely synergy with Sacred Immolation rather than for its damage dealing potential. Finally Sacred Immolation gets picked because it's brilliant.


    Abilities I'm wondering whether I should take:


    Inspiring Triumph: this once again depends on how reliably I can score killing blows. Thoughts?

    Liberating Exhortation: this is a very popular ability amongst people on this forum but I've never used it much when I take it on Pallegina. Presumably I'm missing something about it but I'm not sure what.

    Reinforcing Exhortation: if I can exhort myself, then this might be a useful emergency button. Even if I can't it's a useful ability.

    Righteous Soul: I can't decide whether this is any good, it's a big buff to the Paladin's charm and dominate saves which synergises well with the Aegis of Loyalty + Sacred Immolation combo, but perhaps Paladins have sufficiently high saves already?

    Behold the Martyr: I can't decide whether this is worth taking or not. I guess it depends on how often other members of my party go down.


    Talents: This is a fair bit easier to pick. Obvious choices are:


    Weapon Focus Soldier

    Two-Handed Style

    Savage Attack (annoyingly bugged at the moment)

    Vulnerable Attack

    Scion of Flame (for Sacred Immolation and Flames of Devotion)

    Critical Focus

    Intense Flames


    That leaves one going spare. I'd be tempted to skip Savage attacks given the current bug, though the extra damage is very nice. Other talents that might be worth taking would be The Sword and the Shepherd and Bloody Slaughter (if I go the killing blow route), and perhaps Superior Deflection for a bit more melee survivability. Deep Faith used to be really good value for money, but it's new incarnation seems a bit lacklustre.

    Right now I'm playing POtD with an Pale Elf Kind Wayfarer

    1. I would raise DEX a bit instead of MIG. (actually INT 12-14 is OK for a paladin, if not for the dialogue options, you can raise it via good helmets early in the game). I wouldn't recommend dump CON. Since you can't (as a Good Paladin) benefit +1 MIG and 5% Endurance from the machine and +1 MIG from the Blood Pool (Maneha or Eder), you need to pick Untroubled Faith in that case...

    2. I would pick Zealous Endurance. If you're not soloing you can pick the Modal Focus talent with your priest for example. Or simple pick up Pallegina for the second aura on your party.

    3. Inspiring Thriumph + Strange Mercy is a life safer and works very good (since you're the DD with a 2-h Great Sword). The Sword and the Shepherd talent isn't really that powerfull but sometimes comes in handy in tough group battles. If you don't mind using a lot of healing scrolls, don't take this talent.

    4. I wouldn't recommend Bloody Slaughter. It only triggers when 10 or 20% HP is left... Not really usefull, IMO.

    Superior Deflection... well, in your case with a RES score 10  it might be a good idea to pick that talent.

    5. For DD reasons I would go House Doemenels for the Crit talent.

    6. I would recommend to pick Liberating Exhortation. Quite usefull buff and works as cleanse too. Still it depends on your party. You can pick Deprive the Unworthy if you're playing without a mage (like me).

    7. I'm not sure, but seems that Scion of Flame is not really working for me or not as much usefull as it could be according to the description.

    8. I would pick baby Sneak Attack (is it just me?) so you can co-op with your melee Rogue (custom companion in my group). In that case Coordinated Attacks (in my case Pallegina has it) might be usefull.

    9. If you're not soloing It's a nice idea to pick up Pallegina (on POtD) as a defensive unit and play with 2 paladins. Give her the Green Paladin Shield (+5 defences). Take all Exhortations on her so she could buff it on you, raise her Lore to 10 so she can use all the scrolls (Moonwell, offensive spells).

  2. Frankly, the OP's question points to what I see as a flaw in paladin order designs.  The paladin orders' unique abilities are all rather weak compared to Pallegina's order.  Not that it's at all like to happen at this late date, but paladins need more variety in the abilities related to their choice of order.  And these order abilities need to be higher level abilities, not just some weak low level abilities that are hardly worth the trouble to take.

    A good Paladin build depends more on your stats (tank or DD), IMO.


    Inspiring Triumph + Strange Mercy are really usefull with a DD build vs strong groups + The Sword and the Shepherd + Moon Godlike...


    Pallegina's order is good, but the character itself is quite weak. Neither a tank nor a DD. A pity, because I like her, her portrait, accent etc, in the same time - weak quest, no helm and a very strange talent Elusive Quarry.

  3. Are there any mod to let my main character use Pallegina's unique paladin faction? Basically I don't like any of the main charactoer pally factions and their related talents, it will be nice to be able to pick Pallegina's faction, wrath of the five suns sounds awesome :p





    "AddAbility dunehunter wrath_of_five_suns_attack"



  4. Since Eder is the best companion in the game = his quest is the best one.

    I also liked Sagani's quest.

    Durance's and Mother's stories are quite interesting, but do they count as quests?

    Devils quest could be better, intriguing, but too short (1 dialog).

    Not much to say about Maneha - she's my #1 candidate for the Blood Pool :p


    After beating the game 3 times, must admit - worst companions get worst quests - Pallegina (2 dialogs = exp bump) and Kana (simple kill him for his gear, thats his main role in this game).

  5. The best pick for your frontliner (Paladin or Fighter) is the Pale Elf!

    Most annoying enemies do freeze and burn damage.

    + There are 2 very good rings in the game - Wyrwood ring (Caed Nua 1 lvl quest) and Friyid Claim - bonus DR vs elements and spells.



    Considering prone and stun attacks - sacrifice Maneha to the Skaen Blood pool (one of the best options IMO).

  6. Talents definitely stack with each other and with the Annihilation weapon property. I'm not sure about the gloves but I think they should stack too.

    The weapon's skill crit dmg aplies only to this weapon when you hit an enemy or the bonus goes to the character stats?

     So a second weapon with crit bonus will suppress the bonus from the first one?

    I'm talking about dual wielding = one weapon in each hand. Same question goes for Atk Speed bonuses on different  weapons.

  7. Hi


    2 Talents:

    The Merciless Hand (+ crit dmg mult)

    Dungeon Delver (+ crit dmg mult)


    2 Items:

    Rabbit Fur Gloves (+ crit dmg mult)

    Shattenstar or any other weapon with crit dmg mult.


    Does this stuff works together?

    Talents not beeing supressed?


    If dual wielding is there any reason to take two one-handed melee weapons (let's say axes) with crit dmg mult on each? Or they're supressed?



    Second question is about Caed Nua hirelings:

    I've got all the "guest" hirelings (War Criminal, Brutish Warrior, Noble Lady etc) + IG hirelings: Korgrak, Orico, Skaen Cleric, Fampyr and one fraction guy (Crucible Knight or Doemenel Thief).

    Is there anyone else in the game whom I can hire in my Stronghold?

    Have I missed someone?


    Thanks )

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