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Everything posted by ZeusLGN

  1. I agree. Once you get the lightsaber, you should be a bad-ass against anyone who isn't a similar bad-ass. It is the sheer power you wield as a Jedi that makes the Dark Side so tempting. To abuse your power should have strong consequences besides just Dark Side points. The Darker you fall the more you should become like a heroin addict to it and your responses to other characters, your look as the Dark Side consumes you body and soul should reflect this. Cortosis-fiber armor and blades aside, a lightsaber should have the power to sever arms at the very least and cleave heads and torsos (the movies showed it so why not?) in a super-battle against two force-wielders. Summed Up: Reflect the powers, responsibilities and consequences the Jedi face better than the original did by upping the ante on each where possible.
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