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About reaveramori

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    Boardgaming and Electronic Gaming
  1. While I was grinding out the initial Brigandoom adventure path I was weighing in how long and in what ways I could accumulate in-game gold to buy more adventures or characters. I then was interested in what it would cost to get all of the content with a single touch. I found that I had a ton of content I would have to purchase individually. I expect this and it is understandable but what I am worried about is user feedback about our product. I was pleased to see that, for 20 dollars, I could buy what cost me over 100 dollars in real life. I am of course speaking to the actual hard copy version of Pathfinder the Adventure Card Game. But My concern was how many options I had and how much money it "felt" like it would take to complete the collection. The idea of buying gold and then using that gold to individually buy all of the content further cements this micro-transaction flood of options. This was a little off-putting. I do feel that the price is right but I think a one step, buy the full game for $19,99 or a more appropriate price (ie more not less, 20 dollars is amazing value) would be better option, leave the gold out of it and make it very clear from the first page of the store front that this is an option. Even having a second option or a tie-in that lets you get a "season pass" might not be a bad option. I know that the marketing geniuses at obsidian know about market trends and average use opinion on these issues but I really do feel that if users understand that there is a full package available to buy outright at a very reasonable price it might do some good from a PR perspective. By the way, the product is amazing. Thank You! Reaveramori
  2. I am just curious, but did someone involved with the sound in this game draw some inspiration from the 1997 microprose game..."Magic the Gathering"? I have to admit as soon as I heard the sounds of the farm and some of the card effects I got a little excited.
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