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Everything posted by rafsack

  1. When I speak to Marshal and choose "Lets talk about my army" I get the following choices. "Where am I getting my troops", to which marshal responds about sending out a call for volunteers and that any hirelings I have will join me in the battle. "Whats the status of my regular troops", too which marshal responds too green and too few and that loses will likely be heavy. "What special allies do I have available", to which marshal responds that the crucible knights will be sending a contingent. and "That's all for now" which returns me to the main dialogue tree.
  2. During the preparation step of the quest Battle of Yenwood Field when you are speaking with the fellow in your keep for the first time who is helping you muster your forces one of the options you are given in the dialogue tree is to spend 10K copper to hire veteran troops for your main force. When I got this option I had to choose the option that I didn't have that much coin on me at the time, cause I didn't. I came back later and have made several further attempts to speak with him since, but it seems that there is no way to get back to the dialogue option to talk about hiring veteran troops if you are unable to hire them during the first time the choice is presented to you. Wonder if anyone else has had this issue and if a work around has been found beyond reloading a save prior to talking to the fellow for the first time.
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