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Everything posted by Appendy

  1. I have admired the vocal talents in both games but the narrator in POE2 almost sounds like she's "over it" or even a bit condescending. It's the inflection, I think. It starts out good but in the longer parts I'm like gurl take a break, I can read the rest on my own. English is my 1st language and I do love words... but please retire words like "cacophony." Once is cool, twice is overboard. Some of the narration was bordering on purple prose, which is just obnoxious to me (more so than the voice acting). If a simpler word works, use it. The average person reads at a 7th-grade level - you don't have to get fancy-schmancy to tell a good story (seriously, read Tolkien). With that being said, I love the game.
  2. Wine. I saved my 2nd playthrough for White March II release and I really wanted to do a min/max run but... I CAN'T. I tried, I can't. I love the characters. I can't see myself going through the story without the companions. I feel like I really do have company The story is great, the characters are great. I mean, it's not 100% perf and I have criticisms (story-wise) but THIS is what I want when I play an rpg.
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