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About rfreeman57

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Played around with several builds and ended up choosing something similar to akagi. Might 16 Con 18 Dex 12 Per 11 Int 7 Res 13 Seemed to be a good balance of damage output and survivability while still taking enough hits to quickly accumulate wounds. Thanks for all the help guys! Definitely having a good time with this playstyle and enjoying zahua as a character so far, though they seem to make his philosophical nature seem a bit more silly than I was hoping for.
  2. Thanks for all the input! I'm going to try out some of those builds now. I'll let you know what I decide in case anyone is interested.
  3. Thanks for the link to the akagi build! I'll try it after work today.
  4. Looks like I didn't ask a specific question. I'm looking to tweak his attributes to better suited a tank playstyle. I'm keeping Zahua due to story reasons, but the question works the same if I was to get a hireling. Which attributes are most important for tank, can I dump might completely? It significantly hurts fortitude, so I was hesistant.
  5. Hi all, I just started the White March DLC and really wanted to incorporate zahua into my party. I wanted him to take Eder's role as main tank. The thought of an ascetic tank was just too much for me to resist. The tank is gonna take a beating, so why not make him the guy who uses pain as a pathway to enlightenment! Furthermore, monk looks to have some pretty cool CC abilities that may be a bit more interesting to play than Eder's fighter class. Anyway, it's pretty obvious that using zahua with the attributes he comes programmed with wasn't going to cut it, as he was balanced around dps. So I used the console commands to change his attributes to better suit a tank. I also replaced mortification of the soul with defender. I'm currently using: lvl7 mgt 8 con 18 dex 13 per 11 int 10 res 17 for reference, here's his stats without the modification. unmodded lvl7 mgt 17 con 14 dex 13 per 11 int 10 res 12 Using a stiletto with life drain, a shield, and heavy armor, he still feels feels considerably squishier than eder was. This could just be the area I was in (russetwood has some pretty heavy hitting trolls and ogres), but regardless I'd like to get you guys opinions on how to create this custom monk main tank build. Seems really fun if I can get it working the way i want! Thanks for any input.
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