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Everything posted by orlando2b

  1. Um pequeno hiato porque estava mudando de casa, i.e. sem internet, mas atualizei mais um pouco a IU. A brief hiatus due to moving, i.e. no internet, but I've updated the UI file.
  2. Hi, guys, I've just started a brazilian portuguese project available on github https://github.com/orlando2bjr/Pillars-of-Eternity-PT-BR. It's on a very early stage (11% IU_mod file only). Just download the mod.zip file and extract it on the localized folder => [Pillars of Eternity installation folder]\PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\localized Then, choose Português Brasileiro as your language in the Options menu. Please, let me know if you find any mistakes (send me a screenshot here or tweet to @@orlando2bjr )
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