Bought this game a few years ago and with POE 2 coming out i have decided to go through the game as a paladin (my favourite fantasy trope) and after a few days browsing the forums/checking reddit game advice for beginners, i have come up with a list of advice that is offered to new players and wondered how reliable it is (should i follow it) ...
1, Paladins are terrible... poor fighters, poor magic (cut-price priest) so just avoid - (I guess my playing Paladin is out then)
2, Never use 2 handed weapons - either dual wield or sword/board
3, Monks suck until end game
4, min-maxing stats is essential - even on meduim difficulty (must follow cookie-cutter builds, no room for individuality)
As I said, these are the general consensus from Reddit/forums and just wondered how accurate they are (maybe some patches change things)?
Or maybe just go for POE2 where hopefully paladins are useful?