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Posts posted by Eclecticist

  1. I saw Pirates of the Carribean 2: Dead Man's Chest. It was terrible.


    You would think that sequels with hundred-million dollar budgets could at least procure a HALF-DECENT SCRIPT for Christ's sake...it IS possible to make a Hollywood-friendly Epic with big fights, slapstick comedy and CGI whilst still maintaining a functionable story.


    PotC2 just jumped all over the place. Depp got very little opportunity to do ANYTHING with his role as Jack Sparrow...actually, all of the characters were extremely one-dimensional and what little conflict there was in the script had such poor (and at times, random) execution that it didn't feel like conflict at all.


    BLAGH. To top it all off the film didn't even end. I will go and see PotC3 as I believe in seeing things through to the end so you can judge them in their entirety, but I am not going to be looking forward to it with high hopes.

  2. The story is the most important aspect of any cRPG. The adventure aspect has to be strong and the plot needs to drag you in. I can't take a game seriously unless I am sucked in by the plot. I can enjoy it, but not take it seriously.


    Secondary to this is affecting the gameworld through choices, character creation/evolution, enjoyable combat and rich dialogue.

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