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Everything posted by Bluto

  1. Actually I think it says when you enter any map you have not yet visited. Thats when the new difficulty STARTS - once it is started it applies to the entire game unless you change it again (or at least I assume so) I'm no tech wizard but I assume the reason for this is that the difficulty is changed during the load process to the new map (when other changes related to entering the new map are also occuring ) - so you can't change difficulty without going through a loading screen but once it changes I've always assumed it applies to all screens so yes in that respect it's retro active - it would be pretty odd if you entered a map (say dyrwood) - immediately changed the difficulty - went to a new map (entered a building) and when returning to the old map (Dyrwood) the old difficutly level applied - and then switched again when you left any old map (Dyrwood) for any new map (new building). Here's a screenshot of the tooltip. But I think you're right about the difficulty not flipping back and forth. So if you enter a map on normal and later change to hard you won't have 4 camping gear slots every time you revisit. But it also indicates you'll be stuck with 'normal' enemy encounters even if all you did was pop in and back out again on normal difficulty. Anyways, this have kind of strayed from my original question about which difficulty version you get with scripted encounters(I assume current setting).
  2. Pretty sure once the change has been made by entering a new map then all maps will be at the new level. It's retroactive? The tooltip when you change difficulty says "Difficulty changes will take effect on any map you have not yet visited".
  3. Searched and found this thread. I just want to make sure, does new "maps" include sub-locations like houses and caves in larger areas? In my case I entered Ondra's Gift on normal and later changed to hard. Houses I haven't visited yet will load the hard encounters, correct? I assume scripted encounters in areas I visited on normal will now be the hard variant too?
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