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About losandro

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. Excellent - that will be so helpful! Great advice, I'll try that - thank you much )
  2. Hello again, gentles, So, I've begun a few solo PotD runs with different classes/builds to see what feels like the best fit. What I've really been struggling with, though, is just getting to lvl 4. 1. I can clear Valewood, except of course for the bear cave. 2. I've found I can cherry-pick some mobs in Esternwood, Magran's Fork, and Black Meadow, but get owned by others. 3. I think I can see where I can stealth up to the bandit camp to steal the blacksmith quest item without getting caught. For those of you who've soloed recently, how do you approach it? What quests and areas do you do first? Any advice would be appreciated. I've watched some solo runs on Youtube, but all the ones I can find are from pre-2.01, and with the balancing changes things seem to play out differently now.
  3. No worries! Trying out the build now solo PotD - had started a paladin but got bored ) This looks like much more fun.
  4. This looks like a lot of fun - thank you for sharing. Could I ask what your starting stats were? It looks like I'm about 5 stat points short at the beginning )
  5. Thank you, @Boeroer, for the affirmation, and thank you very much, @aweigh0101, for the breakdown - that's so helpful! @aweigh0101, what would you recommend as a stat breakdown? Since I'll be solo access to some of the high-Resolve dialogue options is preferable, so I wanted to keep that reasonably high.
  6. Hey gentles, I'm starting a few solo PotD runs to build up to Triple Crown attempts. I've got a monk and paladin going respectively in Act 1, but I was just wondering what the vets here thought of a solo priest? 1. I was thinking perhaps this as the stack breakdown: 16 10 10 10 16 16 2. And I was unsure as to the optimal deity - Skaen has solid melee bonuses with stilettos and clubs, and also allows although since it would be solo you'd miss out on . . . thoughts? 3. For talents, Prey on the Weak + Apprentice Sneak Attack would seem to pair well with many of the ailments provided by priest spells (especially the prone-ing seal), and Misery's End (stiletto) and Dial Ewn Dibita (club) - both easily achievable in Act 2 - both have damage bonuses that work with that as well. 4. Or is leaning on melee at all silly with the high deflection scores in PotD and I should just concentrate on buffing spell damage? I welcome your thoughts
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