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Everything posted by Vainte

  1. This was mentioned a month ago during beta, FYI still has an error in description, not sure about effects. Great game BTW, thanks:)
  2. I'm on my very first play-through (Hard) with 6 Wizards. Currently just entered Dyrford Ruins at Level 5. Even with my lack of experience I'm finding It's fun, but getting easy already. Pros - Lots of different ways to tackle fights - A fight can be saved with just 1 Wiz left standing - Great CC spells from Level 1 (Chill Fog, Slicken, and per encounter Arcane Assault is still working well) Cons - Lots of micro management (Hotkeys help a lot) - Too easy too fast (at least on Hard) Toying with the idea of restarting on POTD. Playing with ways of gimping current party to keep the Hard playthrough fun, maybe respec them as all glass cannons with no armor - faster fights but more chance of dying?
  3. Thanks all, I'll continue on with maybe 4 in my team and see how I go. All this talk about micro management at least prompted me to work out how to setup hotkeys so that's a bonus:) Cheers.
  4. Hadn't even tried that staff spell, thanks. Since I can't move to POTD mid-game, I'll dismiss as many as needed to keep things difficult. Would like to finish the game before I take on POTD with a more varied party.
  5. After a couple of false starts, am doing my first playthrough with 6 custom wizards at hard level. Currently at Dyrford Village with a mix of Level 4 and 5 wiz's. So far It's been fun, the toughest battle has been Raedric. Am learning about placement and using the environment fast. My question is - will I encounter some future battle where I need physical attacks to win that I don't really have? Would hate to get 80% through and be stopped in my tracks. P.S. Great forum, have learned lots here, thanks.
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