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About Jasmo

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I could have agreed with this sentiment if the secrets in the game at least tried to stick with a certain formula of logic. As it stands now most of the secrets are arbitrarily placed in hallways or in randomly placed cupboards. You'd expect to find a secret in a vault room, a puzzle or as a secret compartment in a suspiciously looking wall. Secrets are never where you expect to find them by definition. I like the system that forces you to take time to look for stuff. Makes absolutely no sense to find stuff as you run by just because you have high mechanics. To do that would be totally anti-immersion.
  2. From role playing perspective. What you know is it is a cave. The guy running out of the cave thought he saw a bear. His "friend" did not make it out. As a savvy adventurer I wonder, is it one tired old bear, is it a sow with her cubs, is it a sow with two yearling cubs who haven't moved out yet. As a heavy role player it never occurred to me to go into a cave alone and this without any pre-exposure to how tough the bear was. Hey I just got out of a cave, need to get to town and get myself oriented and equipped and, maybe, find some help. Maybe if you are some city dwelling scholar type rushing in blindly would make sense, but if you have any wilderness smarts you definitely would not.
  3. Just want to say thanks to the developers for making the In Game Developer Commentaries available. I have personally found them very insightful into why the developers made choices they made as you go through the games. Thumbs up to all the folks on the development team who took the time to record these and a heads up to the players that if you have any interest in game design they are well worth listening to. Just select the option on the game tab in options.
  4. On February 4 I received a message SLI was not supported and it would not recofnize 7800 even with SLI disabled. On Feb 7 I received the following: "Don't give up hope, we are working on a patch to resolve this issue. Watch the forum over at www.lucasarts.com for an announcement soon." Subsequent inquiries as to the status of this went unanswered.
  5. Just updgraded to a high end rig with dual Nvidia 7800 SLI and 2 gig of RAM and have updated all my drivers. It runs so slow as to be unplayable and when I run the check system requirements it says my video card is too low end. If Nvidia 7800 is low end what the heck does this thing need. It ran fine on by old system with a 5200 and only half a gig. They current rig also runs Half-Likfe 2 and FEAR at maximum settings with no problems. I have also used MSCONFIG to shut down all non-essential backgroung and it still will not run. I have tried the things in the troubleshooting guides. Doesn't seem to be anything under the specific video card issues in the the troubleshooting guide. Any ideas?????
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