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Posts posted by grockj

  1. I have 2 fighters in the party I'm rocking right now on Hard, one full tank spec one two hander with some reasonable toughening though much more damage focused. Both fighters have 3 knock downs, one with clear out (the 2H user). I find that the tank is definitely good, but the 2H keeps up in damage no problem and I have a stacked Rogue in my party - definitely *not* MORE damage than the Rogue if you're just looking at strict output, but if staying power is factored in the damage consistency is huge. Having 6 knock downs per encounter is massive CC even without it being AoE; most things get steamrolled on Hard. If my front line gets broken or I'm surprised from a flank, the extra metal in the party is great, especially with those bonus knock downs to break engagement on a squishy so they can back up a few yards out of harm's way. Importantly, having things knocked down all the time prevents a large amount of Health attrition and keeps me gaming longer without having to drop camp or run back to an inn.

  2. I have not experienced the 3-4x load times you describe. To me, they seem equivalent to pre-patch; my assumption was just that certain people were experiencing extremely long load times for reasons specific to their build/install/etc and this alleviated it for them... if that were the case, since my load times were never that bad I just assumed it would stay constant for me. Odd that yours are much longer now :(

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