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Everything posted by CholupaBatman

  1. Ok, that clears it up for me. Thanks!
  2. When you are exploring and have the entire parting in scouting mode, who's stealth skill is it based off? The player character or one of the companions, or an average for the party? Sorry for the dumb question. Couldn't find a way to google it that turned up any useful results. Thanks!
  3. Thanks! PCMR for life all the way! Thanks for the explanation, it totally clears up my confusion. Seems like a Chanter has the potential to be a pretty powerful member of your group if you manage them properly.
  4. I've played many games but never one that had something like the chanter before. I've got one running around with me in my party now and I just have no clue how to use him. I feel like I'm wasting his abilities because I just don't understand. Am I too old to get new things?
  5. Thanks! That answers my questions for now!
  6. I just started playing Pillars, and I am a little rusty on my crpg skills and gameplay knowledge. My question is: Do food buffs stack? For example - If I have my character drink an ale (+2 damage reduction), and eat grain (+5 endurance), will I get both effects or will the second one undo the first one. Also if I eat two items that have an effect on the same stat, will they stack - fruit and grain are both +5 endurance - will I get +10? Sorry if this is a dumb question or has been asked a million times already. Thanks!
  7. I for one, am glad that this is a traditional single player rpg. I have missed this style of game for years and was thrilled when the kickstarter was so succesful. Single player games are what I and many others came up on and in my experience, when devs start spending their money on mp other areas of the game take a dive. I think there is a place for mp in many games, but not in a IE style traditional rpg game.
  8. I know I'm a little late to the party on this one, but given a choice between GOG and anything else, I always choose GOG. I like what they're about - DRM free, you can download yourself a backup copy of the game you paid for, and with Galaxy you get the benefits of a client that auto updates for you and makes it easy to manage your games. Don't get me wrong - I like and use Steam too, but I feel like they were getting close to monopoly territory and having something like GOG Galaxy out there competing with them will just make everything bettter for us, the gamers.
  9. Watched the doc at work today (retail is very slow on Labor Day weekend...) and really enjoyed it. I love seeing the behind the scenes. The length was just right - any longer and it's just too much of a committment. I tried to watch Double Fine's documentary about making Broken Age and it was really interesting but wayyyy too much of a time suck. I hope more devs start to film their process - it really gives a great insight to the people behind the game and it makes me enoy the game more since I can really appreciate the amount of work and love that went in to it.
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