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About pohly

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  1. Hej, I've done as you requested and you can find all the files here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2830379/aufra.zip It includes the savegame (party in front of the house after having done all other steps of the quest "A mother's plea" or whatsitcalled), the output_log (I Alt+F4'ed the game, dunno if that was what's meant by 'quitting' the game) and a screenshot of the party being inside the house. Hope that's of any help. Cheers Edit: Just read that it's already been fixed, should've paid more attention to what's going on in here. Darn ;D
  2. Hej, I've just had the same bug, and tried Azzinoth's suggestion. Open the savegame, delele the fog and level file and reload the savegame. And indeed it did solve the problem, the house (and Aura) are how and where they are supposed to be. I don't know if this disables achievements, the game didn't give me any indication of it, and it seems unlikely I guess. Thanks for the hint )
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