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Everything posted by Vergilius

  1. I am soloing POTD with a holy slayer, where I only barely survived quite a few fights (was all luck most of the times, if you ask me) anyhow, I studied the damages, and realized the every freaking hit was penetrating my legendary HEAVY armor, but how I asked myself. Please check this out, is this how it's supposed to be??? https://imgur.com/a/MPdLogC
  2. I was able to download it for gog both the patch and the expansion, but mac version seems broken. Starting a new game results in black screen, where I can hear that the game is running, just the map wouldnt load. after loading a pre exp savegame, it does load properly, but zoning also results in black screen...
  3. Can you please also comment on the nonloading maps? pls?
  4. the mac version seems broken... the maps arent loading, all i see is black screen
  5. so I just purchased the white march on gog, installed it, and the game is in every sense the same it was before. version 1.06... Can not create multiclass characters (if at all it is possible in the beginning, not sure...) The funny thing is, that the extension of the origin game was .dmg, while the expansion is .pkg Dunno if it has to do with anything though, but feels strange (am not a tech guy as you can tell). I wonder what to do
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