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Tulak Hord

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Everything posted by Tulak Hord

  1. wrong read this "This isn't Marka Ragnos's holocron. It belonged to Tulak Hord! The most mysterious Dark Lord of them all. It is the key to his long sought-after power! It means Tulak Hord must have built the tombs himself, long before Marka Ragnos or Naga Sadow were even born! And his power is finally in reach!" ―Lord Zash[src] Carved into the rock face of the lower valley, the tomb of Sith LordMarka Ragnos was actually built by the Sith Lord Tulak Hord long before Ragnos's reign. Upon Ragnos' death, a funeral processionclimbed the massive stair case which led deep into the heart of the tomb. Following the burial, rival Lords Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh dueled upon the tomb's outer courtyard as both Sith vied for Ragnos' title. The tomb was sealed and Ragnos' slaves buried with him, and with Sadow victorious theSith Empire was led to war with the Galactic Republic.[3] The Empire was utterly ruined during the costly warwith the Republic as Sadow retreated and a portion of the Empire fled to Dromund Kaas. The Republic's leader Supreme Chancellor Pultimo ordered the destruction of Korriban and saw to the bombing of the Valley of the Dark Lords; the tomb lay buried under sand and rubble for millennia as the spirits of the Sith seethed under the surface of the ruined world.[1]
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