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About docfc

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  1. But what about paladin ? Mine had more deflection and defenses than adra dragon (on hard), thanks to their OP passive !
  2. Warriors are already nerfed with perc. This another nerf makes no sense at all ! I don't want a team with 2 pally as tanks ! I hope it's only a text bug.
  3. It's not a bug See http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Shielding_Flames
  4. Thanks a lot ! Keep the good work Badler
  5. See http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/79754-106-minor-sound-bug/ This bug is very annoying !
  6. Hi, same problem here. I thought that it was only a minor bug, but it becomes really annoying. I can upload a savegame too.
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