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About Menthur

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  1. Yes, it's definatly weird. Never seen that happening before. I will watch and observe the combat log in future fights to see if it happens again.
  2. Hi guys, I've just recently started my first potd triple crown run ever. My main is a Dual Wielding Barbarian. My party is level 8, and I was exploring Od Nua lvl 3 when I noticed something strange with my Barbarian stats. Is that just a visual bug, or is there an actual explaination for why my Acc is so high? Thank you.
  3. Thanks man, I went with the Dozens, too late now to change. But I guess that little extra Acc is also going to be useful.
  4. Hi guys, I'm currently trying my frist triple crown run ever with a DW Barbarian. My party (right now Eder, Kana, Durance, Hiravias, GM) just reached level 7. Yay! I have managed to unlock the merchants for all three factions in Defiance Bay, and currently thinking about with which one I want to continue. I have read about each of their bonuses and benefits, but can't really decide wether I should go with the Dozens or with the Doemenels. So which one is gonna be more important in the long run? More Acc or more crit dmg? Any help would be appreciated.
  5. On my first PotD run ever I just defeated the Adra Dragon without gettin even a scratch ... I just want to thank everybody in this thread for all the help. Already thinking about re-playing with triple crown difficulties once i'm done!
  6. Anyone knows when the patch will be released?
  7. Thanks again for your reply, and yes, in situations where I cannot make my rogue reach the enemy in melee I switch to a bow. Yesterday I attempted Osrya relatively unprepared with the Paladin using a 2Hander although I didnt spec into it and the fight was relatively easy when you consider I wasnt prepared and didnt spec into 2Handers yet. Then I went to the lower ramparts in Raedric's castle and finished off the wave with the Captain of the Guard again with my Pala using a 2Hander. That fight also went pretty well. So my plan for today is to respec my Pala a bit more towards using 2Handers. In emergency situations I can still switch back to sword and board. As for the rogue. I am indeed thinking about ditching him and gettin another fighter. Have to decide. We'll see. So far PotD is lots of fun. It's challenging but not impossible. I can only imagine that the difficulty will skyrocket in late game, or .... quite the opposite might happen aswell. I will have to see
  8. The problem I have with melee heavy party right now is possitioning. I have Eder who acts as the main tank, then I have my pala as off tank / support right next to him and the rogue (who I sent in a few seconds later to blind enemy). Durance is buffing/debuffing from rear row and once he is finished he is swinging is reach weapon as well right behind the tank. So I figure if I go with another fighter I won't be really able to position him well enough. It's already happening quite often that either my rogue or my pala is not able to reach an enemy and I loose lots of dps that way. any solid tips on how to position more effectivly? When I block a choke point with my tank, lots of times the area is so narrow that neither my pala nor my rogue have space to engange with enemies. And, unfortunately the AI is not really smart. Sometimes my dudes circle around way too much and grab aggro where they shouldnt and the fight is pretty much over at that point
  9. Thank you very much. I'm lvl 3 right now, close to 4 with my Pala. Still early in game. Do you have a rough starting specs for me? I feel I already f** up, but I could respec. I should note that I'm not interested in min/maxing 100% like a maniac. I just want a decent Pala who is not going to suck and suffer thru PotD Currently my Pala has these stats: - Might: 16 - Con: 9 - Dex: 10 - Per: 16 - Int: 13 - Res: 14 I picked FoD then LoH first. As talent I picked Weapon & Shield Style (because early game is pretty hard, so I figured going with a shield is better for now). I have also bought Outworn Buckler in Gilded Vale. As for my party combo: I have recruited Eder, Aloth and Durance. Also have created a custom rogue for mechanics and some additional dps, although he is very very squishy right now (only lvl 2).
  10. Thank you! I'm gonna look into it. The video you posted is about a solo run tho. I'm definatly going to play with story companions. Is there anything I should change?
  11. I'm returning to PoE after several years and this time around planning to beat the game on PotD. I've been reading the build guides on Paladins, but couldn't really find what I was looking for. I am not interested in using ranged shooting weapons with my Paladin. I'd rather go the oldschool way of acting as support / dps and offtank and let Edér be my main tank. So I'm looking for some directions on how to build a 2H Paladin DPS / Offtank character to beat PotD with. Maybe you guys could direct me to an already existing build on this forums which I have missed or help me build one from scratch. From what I have gathered so far there are a lot of pro's on these forums PS: I want to use the story companions along the way and maybe create one custom rogue to fill up my party. Any help is very appreciated. Thank you very much!
  12. Oh, alright, I see. Didn't know about the backer NPCs. Thanks guys! I just left Gilded Vale and found already 2 new Companions on the way. Game's starting to get really interesting now ....
  13. Hi there all, I'm enjoying Pillars of Eternity so far. I just started out and recently arrived in Gilded Vale. However, I noticed that you cannot have a conversation with named NPCs like you used to in BG, BG2, and maybe even find new party members that way. Once I approach them I only can read something about their past lives or something like that. Is that gonna change later in the game? Thanks.
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