"You know, it's probably going to be bad when it has ultimate in it's name..." - someone on NWN2DB forum.
In first PoE I've played as a DUAL WIELDING LIGHT WEAPONS MOON GODLIKE CIPHER OF DOOM with apprentice's sneak attack and I !@#$ing enjoyed that build!
This build was quite powerfull maybe not op but still. I had a lot of CC abilites and some nice DpS ones also Silver Tide saved me more than once. However in this game I would like something even more roguish and the Mindstalker is what I need.
So I will post my build here and I hope that some of you will give me advice on how to improve it even more! Also pls don't post anything souding like:
- but there're more powerfull builds like Inquisitor or pure Rogue! - I don't care I want my MINDSTALKER (I remember cipher had quite a lot of class specific dialogues and it was cool),
- but Sneak Attack was nerfed in beta or sth (read previous line↑).
Have in mind that I'm trying to make this build pure melee DpS and therefore it has a lot of DoT abilites at cost of CC ones (and I know this build doesn't have almost any defences but this issue can probably be fixed or atleast altered a little with proper team mangement). Also I want to have a nice gameplay at the same time so I won't pick sth like dwarf or aumaua (no offence) for max 21 might and I won't downgrade CON or RES below 10. I will pick either human or moon godlike. So now you see this build will be op and ultimate only in term of talent choose. Oh and we are going two weapon style !@#$ one hand crit bonus.
Here are my starting attributes:
MIG 18
CON 10
DEX 16
PER 10
INT 14
RES 10
We're starting as Cipher - Soul Blade and Rogue - Assassin with Rapier, Stiletto, Sabre, Dagger, Hunting Bow, War Bow + 1sth else as weapon proficiency in that order.
1. Escape (active) Whispers of Treason / Eyestrike Escape (active)
2. Backstab (passive)
3. Penetrating Visions (passive)
4. Two Weapon Style (passive) Biting Whip (passive)
5. Phantom Foes / Mental Binding (active)
6. Dirty Fighting (passive)
7. Finishing Blow (active) Hammering Thoughts (passive)
8. Strike the Bell (active)
9. Psychic Backlash (passive)
10. Shadowing Beyond (active) Greater Focus (passive)
11. Withering Strike (active)
12. Wild Leech (active)
13. Devastating Blow (active) Brutal Backlash (passive)
14. Deep Wounds (passive)
15. Keen Mind (passive)
16. Toxic Strike (active) Improved Critical (passive)
17. Uncanny Luck (passive)
18. Ring the Bell (active)
19. Deathblows (passive) Potent Empower (passive)
20. Penetrating Empower (passive)
As you can see cipher gains only 3 active abilities. I wonder if it's worth investing 2 points in Backlash for situational encounters only and maybe instead take more cipher active talents for CC? Also does Penetrating Visions affect Soul Whip or spells only? If spells only sth else should be taken on its place.
One more thing. What about skills? I surely need stealth but I've found myself a bit lost about their distribution. It seems there is no hard cap for them only soft and I don't want to put all points in one skill. What would be max adviced value to put in stealth and mechanics or persuasion skills such as diplomacy, intimidate or bluff to have acces to all dialogue options and locked chests? Alchemy also seem quite nice for poisons periodic damage. And how team skill sharing exacly work here?