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Posts posted by Aventinus

  1. Crimson was born on a northern isle in the Deadfire Archipelago. A Death Godlike born to parents that tossed him out soon as his "gifted nature" became clear, he found himself friendless in an unforgiving land. By virtue (or vice) of his inner strength to take what he needed to survive from whoever crossed his path he fell in with a rough gang of highwaypersons (they were equal opportunity). As the years past and the boy who assumed the name of Crimson became a young man the screams and cries of his victims became to become louder in his dreams. The killing that was a part of the lifestyle became too much after the night that changed his life.


    He will never talk about what happened, but after that he hung up his sabres and swore never to take another life in the name of greed. He wandered and fell in with a group of paladins from the Kind Wayfarers. His mentor was a lady of Eothas who instructed him not just in protecting the travelers of the road, but also of redemption. Crimson was sick of his homeland and set forth on the road once he felt the confidence to proclaim himself a member of the Kind Wayfarers. Roads turned to boats as he traveled further and further north towards the Dyrwood. He had no particular plans in mind. It was simply another route to travel on to instill his brand of protection. The word of cheap land offered no temptation for a perpetual wanderer, but the word of persecution of fellow believers of Eothas was just the motivation to make this more then a quick travel through another nation of troubles. Perhaps he could finally find some troubles that would sooth his troubled soul in the eyes of Eothas, and himself.


    Funny thing, I'm also building a story for a Death Godlike that was raised in Deadfire Archipelago. Her name is Scarlet! Also abandoned by her parents and forced to a life of crime before a certain event changed her life. I have not decided yet what was that event exactly. The difference is that she's a barbarian. 


    Great story though, I really liked the Paladin twist. 

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  2. I was surprised not to find a huge thread containing the backstory of every Watcher you've created, so I'm starting it. I mean, yes, you used to be a raider from Deadfire Archipelago but why did you become one? Why did you leave your old life? Why are you traveling? Did you have any friends? A love, maybe? Who are you really and what made you the person you are today? 


    It would be nice if you included an image of your character as well as their initial stats. Since this isn't related to character building but more to story telling I decided to post it here. If the mods think this is the wrong place, please move it to an appropriate one. 



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