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Everything posted by TamTiTam

  1. Sometimes, doing the right thing is hard...
  2. Well, to look on the bright side, that probably means they are still planning a sequel.
  3. Did anyone of you choose to I am really curious about what happens. How huge is the impact on the furure of Eora?
  4. PILES OF BODIES You do have a point there. But we don't really know why there is not eough food for the roparu in Neketaka. Maybe it would be different without of the constant struggle against the Vailians, Principi and RCD (taking their stuff, skills and lands, producing more and more roparu)
  5. I would risk a statement that yes, they have it better. They can at least strive for a better social standing (though we know little about Rauatai and Vailian Republics social strata). Can a roparu change his caste? Sorry, chump, maybe in the next life. You must live above a great pile of bodies of less fortunate members of your caste which you didn't choose yourself! Feel free to take anything you find particularly tasty from that refuse pile, bro! They can strive for a better social standing. But for most people in Eora (and sadly most parts of the real word), that's just an illusion. And even if they are somehow "responsible" for their social standing (not being intelligent or assertive enough, making mistakes, etc.), do they really deserve their fate? At least, in Huana culture, people seriously believe in the responsibility to care for the wellbeing of the lower caste. Obviously, there are very different opinions on which side is the best/worst. But that's just a sign of good storytelling.
  6. ...and unlike many cRPGs pretent, most people don't need life changing events or many, many month of bonding for a sexual connection. Three to five days of travelling seems realistic to me (besides, in real life a single evening is often more then enough). Also, they spend a lot of days alone together at sea. And my watcher is pretty hot.
  7. Thanks for alle the answers! I'm am not sure. I like the Idea to be able to overbear my enemies with my bear and bearform. And I'll propably have another Druid (+Chanter) with Teheku. I also thought that the Spiritform of a Beastmaster might be too weak on higher levels, because it only scales with your power level (?). Is the Bonus of the Stalker-Spezialisation relevant in late-Game (it doesn't scale, doesn't it?). I guess, I'll create a Beastmaster without specializations, to stay a bit more flexible. I hope I don't regret it late on, when I find the time to dive deep into the game-machanics. (And I appreciate any further Advice from you guys.)
  8. I'm relativly new to POE2 (not to crpgs in general) and I would really like to play a Beastmaster. But I don't really have a clue about how to play with my lovely Druid/Ranger-Hybrid. What kind of skills / abilites go well with each other? What kind of builds would be viable? Thank you for your guidance ( =
  9. We never found this Quest. We did fight Raedric and we visited the Tree-Guesthouse. Is this a known bug? Did we just "miss" the Quest NPC? Thanks
  10. I remember a Forum Post from before Launch in which it was mentioned, that you could sneak right next to your enemys and do a sneak-Attack, if you have Sneaking on "the highest skill level". Is this still possible? I reskilled a Charakter to get Sneaking Level 12 and Enemys always see him in about ~10m Distance (in (upscaled) white March). Is there any significant difference between the highest Levels of sneaking? My new Thief with Sneaking Level 12 does not seem have any significant advantage over other Characters with a medium high sneaking skill. Is ~10m as close as you get?
  11. Did I miss the possibility to Back the Expansion to Pillars of Eternity?
  12. I would like to see more conversations/ background for the companions. And I would find it very exciting if they keep and develop(!) some parts of the original game (i.e. Defiance Bay) in the expansion,
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