BG2 was one of the best games I've played, just last year an enhanced version came out and proved to be very popular.PoE tried to mirror some aspects of BG2, such as combat mechanics, but after buying the game and playing, there were more misses than hits. I applaud the effort but I hope to see better changes to come. Although BG2 was great, I hope to play a different game that is better.
1) Too complicated combat mechanics, in BG2 it was all kept simple with hits/misses/resistances/saving throws. In PoE they overdid it by adding way too many comb es. Simplify it so that the formulas are kept minimal and simple, nobody likes to play maths when they play a game.
2) Story in PoE is uninspiring. Playing as a god's child was awesome in BG2, the story was immense, complicated with many characters and organisations being involved. PoE dark and mysterious atmosphere is great but it's just not as exciting. The Forgotten Realm's legacy has always been a hit, and definitely it played a party in making BG2 such a success. PoE could too but they tried to put too many things into one.
3) Party members interaction was really interesting in BG2, more so because they actually felt REAL. My good party of Imoen, Jaheira, Minsc,they all made a good mark in my memory. I particularly love my evil party comprising of Vicionia, Edwin, Kagain, they were really powerful and their evil sayings made me grin. PoE tried to copy that but the characters so far have been really dull. There were times when I played PoE and nearly fell asleep!
4) Items are really boring as well. BG2 had so many remarkable items, Celestial Fury, Foebane, Flail of the Ages, Ring Of Gaxx,Crom Faeyr... not so in PoE.