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Everything posted by Floyd

  1. Hi, The speed and combat speed settings are not saved, each time I start the game I have to set it manually. I can't find any option to set it to the default value I prefer, is there a way to do so? Thanks
  2. Btw, do you have reshade installed?
  3. Yes, I do. It makes the game unplayable for me. Tired to do the same thing in the game, save and when I want to load a game it load a game few hours before. The only workaround I found is chek if the game is saved after each save (trying to load it) and even with that, when I think it's ok, it's not... Try to launch the game as administrator, no effect. I've disable steam cloud and checked the games files with no result... As a youtuber that maked people buy the game, I'm not really comfortable either... Really disapointing...
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