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Posts posted by PitchBlackYeti



    BG1 is superior to BG2 in all ways except mechanically and, arguably, graphically. The storytelling especially. BG2 has terrible motivations and terrible literary pacing, and drops you in the middle of Athkatla, already knowing the main villain, and with an uninspiring goal. BG1 also has better areas, pacing in terms of relative power levels, better exploration, and, mostly, better quests.



    Sorry, I can't take you seriously if I read something like this. I'd say that both BG1 and BG2 had a pretty weak story, so saying that BG1 was slightly better due to a better pacing is justified. I'm totally okay with that. But saying that BG1 had better quests... really? I mean; really? Name me just one quest that wasn't just "go there, beat **** up" in BG1? Certainly not clearing the endless levels of Nashkel Mines. Or all the pointless dungeons filled with hordes of copy & paste encounters.


    I can name you dozens of memorable quests in BG2:

    The Unseeing Eye, the De'Arnise Keep, the Planar Sphere, Getting the dragon eggs in Ust Natha, the Skinner of the Bridge district, the Umar Hills deaths, etc.


    Literally every zone of BG2 had at least one memorable, multi-stage optional quest that you will definitely remember in almost every single detail. In comparison, I can't even remember almost any of the sidequests in BG1. Like literally, I played BG1 at least 5 times now and I still struggle remembering the quests.





    Anyone who says that BG1 had better quests or better dungeons than BG2 or PoE is clearly not talking about BG1 the actually existing game, but rather about BG1 the sugarcoated memory of how playing a fantasy cRPG for the first time as a teenager made them feel (when it had no prior expectations to measure up to).



    While I agree with the "first rpg experience part", BG1 DID have some nice ideas, like the garden of stone statues in the basilisk area and having to figure out by yourself to cast "stone to flesh" on them without any prior hint.

  2. Let's face it, chokepoint defense will always be one of the most viable tactics in this kind of games and RL as well, and I don't get it what makes people so agitated, it's not like this game is PvP or something. More tactical options? People will use chokepoints anyway because it IS the best defense against being swarmed/flanked. Giving the enemy more AoE attacks on the other hand might screw combat balance in other situations (and piss the living hell out of me personally). More teleporting enemies? I'd say that Shades are a pain in the ass already and because of the disengagement penalties you simply cannot allow your squishies to be flanked in the first place. On the other hand if the disengagement strike was lifted you could just kite the mobs around the room until they change aggro. Which option is dumber now?  A realistic solution would be to introduce friendly fire % chance when firing through allies (like in Myth series), while you could still use pikes and chokepoints would still be a preferred place to pick fights. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to put this in this kind of game though.

  3. I agree with all your suggestions except the "rest anywhere" feature. While it is a hassle to wade through 2 loading screens, this issue should be resolved by eliminating that 10-second wait per loading screen.



    Agreed, reaching the bed is only frustrating because of the long 2x loading time on the way.


    As I said in another topic, my main problem with the stronghold is the turn-based tax. I understand that it was introduced so players can't farm gold/reputation just by sleeping but it makes no sense when your hirelings cost you money daily and taxes are not coming in because you're not doing enough quests. If you want to keep the dumb turn system at least make the hireling's pay tied to it too!.

  4. Well, while the lack of pre-buffing doesn't bother me that much, I always liked this aspect in RPGs. It surprises me that so many people scream against it. If you like to keep it this way, fine but I feel that because of the need to buff in combat battles tend to be more chaotic, you have to keep the party grouped until the spell is cast and in the meantime enemies close in on you and can tie your ranged classes in melee with risk of disengagement penalties. At least making the buffs near-instant cast or with bigger radius (so you can send the tanks forward before the buff is cast) would help a lot.

  5. First I'd like to thank all devs and backers for bringing this wonderful game to us, It's great! But so far, the only thing that keeps me from enjoying it fully is the stronghold turn-based tax system. I understand that it was implemented to restrict money farming by resting, but I really hope it gets reverted to fixed timescale someday. If someone wants to rest 21 times to collect ~1000 gold, for the love of Berath LET HIM. I want to be able to calculate if I can afford hirelings instead of hoping that the tax comes before payday...

    Adventures are also the same proble, I'd like to know for how long a party member will stay locked in an adventure instead of guessing.

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