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Everything posted by Rayray

  1. I am only refering to PotD difficulty! ok guys sounds good so far. Now I have to dig a little deeper: What I must achieve with this setup: - Chanter must be abel to buff Ranged dps reload speed - Priest must be able to buff ranaged DPS with accuracy - Either Chanter or Priest should be abel to deal at least some damage. Is is that unnecessary? Issues are as follows: - A chanter off-tank usually has low might hence he is good at invocations but bad with phrases right? Questions are: - Is a high int tank chanter able to actually reach the ranged DPS with the reload phrase? - Can I somehow make a off-tank (secondary tank) chanter with might or is that impossible for PotD. Race would be pale elf I guess - Is a Priest able to deal some meaningful range DPS or is his accuracy buff enough to be counted as an indirect damage dealer? Party would look like this: Tank: Fighter (Res,Int,Per maxed and rest in Con. Might and Dex dumped) Off-Tank: Chanter pale elf. maybe with at least 10 might?!? Ranged DPS rogue Ranged DPS chiper Pure druid bomber Ranged Priest
  2. Guys, I just reached the city on my first playthrough on PotD but I am not satisfied with my 6 man party. I will restart again with the following setup: Main Tank: Fighter Ranged DPS: Rogue Ranged DPS/CC: Cipher Ranged DPS/buffer: Chanter Ranged nuke/Aoe...: Druid Off-Tank: (Chanter, Paladin, Priest?) I just can't decide which class to pick as an off-tank. A second chanter to debuff enemies, buff fighter and summon, a Pala to buff and heal some or a priest. However I have zero experience as a priest hence I can't tell if they are as good off-tanks as chanters and paladin. Moreover I don't know I tend to take the chanter for the debuffs and summons but then I won't have much heal beside the druid.
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