I just reached the city on my first playthrough on PotD but I am not satisfied with my 6 man party. I will restart again with the following setup:
Main Tank: Fighter
Ranged DPS: Rogue
Ranged DPS/CC: Cipher
Ranged DPS/buffer: Chanter
Ranged nuke/Aoe...: Druid
Off-Tank: (Chanter, Paladin, Priest?)
I just can't decide which class to pick as an off-tank. A second chanter to debuff enemies, buff fighter and summon, a Pala to buff and heal some or a priest. However I have zero experience as a priest hence I can't tell if they are as good off-tanks as chanters and paladin. Moreover I don't know
I tend to take the chanter for the debuffs and summons but then I won't have much heal beside the druid.