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Everything posted by MadMaligor

  1. Hello, I have been playing since release and today when I went to log in to play, all of my saved games post 10/26 are gone. I have looked in the saved file directory and actually see the game saves from after that day but do not see them in game. Can anyone please help...so frustrating. =(
  2. I appologize for the length. TLDR: Personally I agree with some of the criticism regarding tactics in Pillars, but sometimes I think I am playing a different game when it comes to other criticism. 1. Would love to see more weapon swapping to accommodate creature resistance, and thus make taking the weapon focus and slot sets hard choices. The system is there, its just needs a good tweak or two. 2. The same goes for spell selection and diversity. You never have to swap Grimoire's because most spells are always use-full. 3. Unique items need love and this is being addressed soon (thank god!) Those three things would go a long way IMHO. I do think I am playing a different game when I read some of the other criticism's like pathing, I am always getting flanked by enemies if I don't set up a proper front or am out in the open. This happens all the time. Guarding is super useful and you have to pay attention. That grab talent (forget the name) for fighters is a saving grace. I constantly see the AI using spells, abilities, debuffs, and items trying to muck up my well laid plans. Some of the fights are tons of fun and tough tactically (fungus and shades to name a few, that dragon fight at the bottom of Caed Nua was insane). Other things like immersion and environment are spot on. I enjoy the interaction with party members and some of their conversations are hilarious (Eder and Aloth) and even thought provoking, though I do wish there was a bit more flavor in this department. I hear the chatter in town and stop to listen to street conversations all the time. Nothing seems "empty" to me. I love the story (which is a personal taste kinda thing so take it or leave it) and I feel dialogue choices have enough impact game wise to create a role playing flavor for my main. I have had a number of encounters that were diverted down interesting paths by my previous choices and plenty of instances where combat could be potentially avoided if that was my role-playing angle. As far as lore and character background, for me P:E delivers. I don't think Pillars is by any means up to BG2 standards in some areas yet only because it hasn't had the love applied to it that BG has over the years. BG2 Vanilla had a number of issues, and if I remember correctly that pathing thing was a big deal early on for AI with tons of bugs and abuses. Comparing an expansion patched player modded version of BG2 vs P:E is a bit of an apples/oranges kinda thing and sometimes people look back at some of the best fights in BG2 (like the Illithids, Beholders, Lich etc...) and forget the plethora of Gnoll/Bugbear/Troll/goblin/Skelleton/Ogre faceroll encounters (of which there are freaking tons).
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