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About XFrancis15X

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  1. Hello !!!! Here is a list of Suggestions for further game improvement : +Steam Workshop +++BETTER SORTING IN INVENTORY + SHOPS !!!! (auto regroup items by name / type (pistols, spears, sword, 2H 1H...same for armors....) +in game Portraits modification / download / creation (based on the 3D model or anything else) +Respec (talents and abilities) +More crafting + skills in it + possibility to set up commercial roads with cities from your fortress +More Side missions / actions thanks to your fortress such as: *commercial relations *tournaments organisation (in you city)/ participation (in other cities) (playable with one of your caracter or team of it + auto resolve choice ) *Side quests (playable with one caracter / Team of caracters (= interesting way to level up custom low level adventurers) / or still auto resolve ) +Bug report option IN GAME or When crashing : with direct link with devs and possibility to send automaticly the Report files / folder +HIDE HELMET OPTION +enchanting helmets ... Feel free to comment, add ideas and so on !!! to the players : Have a good game, To the Devs : Keep it up !! really nice job again !
  2. Hello ! All is in the title nothing special done in the game during crashes, it just happens in chain since 2 days. im using a steam version always up to date. (maybe there was a patch recently...) Please find in the link below my last crash reports (thanks to enable us to send it directly or please enable us to send this kind of files directly to you after a crash... make it more convenient please... im always ready to help, but at least make it easy thanks in advance) http://www.filedropper.com/pillarsofeternitycrashreports or <a href=http://www.filedropper.com/pillarsofeternitycrashreports><img src=http://www.filedropper.com/download_button.png width=127 height=145 border=0/></a><br /><div style=font-size:9px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;width:127px;font-color:#44a854;> <a href=http://www.filedropper.com >share files free</a></div> Keep it up BR XFrancis15X
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