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Everything posted by LoudFlamingo

  1. I'll add that I'm also experiencing the odd "double xp" bug when re-entering Teir Evron. If only that were the least of my issues here... I went back as far as I could with my save and tried different methods of completing the Old Queen and the New King, but I still can't accept divine favor from Galawain's altar, despite what the journal is telling me. I suppose I could just forget that quest, and progress by completing one of the other ones in order to gain divine favor. It's seriously bothering me though, just leaving it "hanging" like that in what appears to be a broken state. I somewhat humorously/stupidly failed Rymgrand's quest and the Sky Dragon from the Nest quest is wrecking me, so back to the drawing board on that, I guess.
  2. I'm actually experiencing what seems to be a very similar problem to yours, regarding Teir Evron and being unable to progress with the Council of the Stars quest. In my case, I chose the Galawain route, which follows The Old Queen and the New King quest. I completed the steps required, which take you through Galawain's Maw. The journal then tells me that I can accept divine favor from Galawain in Teir Evron, but I'm unable to do this. I can't interact with the central "thingy" in the room, nor can I choose any new dialogue options from Galawain's altar. I should also note that I believe I had also grabbed the Nest in the Sky quest beforehand as well. Sadly, I don't have a save before this point and seem to be out of luck for now. Hoping I won't need to scrap ~41 hours of playtime because of this.
  3. I'm experiencing the same problem in Elmshore. First time arriving there, and the frame rate immediately tanks to a pretty unplayable level. I've tried disabling msaa, reducing the graphical quality, leaving and re-entering the zone, and restarting the game, but no luck so far. Similarly, I've also noticed that any time a lightning based spell/trap is cast or set off, the frame rate dips significantly until the effect dissipates. If it's at all relevant, I'm running these with the latest drivers: Windows 8.1 i5-4670 3.4 ghz GTX 780 8 GB RAM
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