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About Eliam

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  1. K2 took a little too much control over the characters in the first game. I mean, Carth is the best star-pilot in the Republic. Would he die? No. If you went evil, then he would die, but that's only in the first game. It sucks that the Exile's responses determins the fate of so many, like Revan, Bastila and Carth. And another thing: In the end of K1, you rescive a medal and the title "Revan, the prodigable knight" or something, and everyone is hailed as heroes. Did anyone think of that when no one knew the fate of Revan in K2, even if he was hailed as a hero?
  2. You do know that it was the Star Forge and it's dark side connection that made Revan and Malak evil? (Male) Revan is loyal to Bastila, and that won't change. If you descide to romance Carth, that's nice, but Revan would never ever risk the ones he/she loves. KotOR II had slightly too much lose ends, and it interviend more than what it should've when it was speaking of Revan. It would be sucha clich
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