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About amaranth9

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  1. I found bug in main quest. I went to Domenels House and took the quest to kill someone in knight's hall. In the Knights community I finished 2 quests (about machines and undeads) I found it more interesting so... ....so in Trading Company quest when Domenels appeared I killed them I believed that NOW Knights or the Travelers would give me new quests (Domenels attitude was bad after I killed those group), BUT because I took Domenels killing quest (and didnt finish it) they said that I had good relations with Domenels so they wouldnt give me new quests. So...I went to Domenels house and... killed all of them =) Then I returned to Knights and.... nothing, they still thought that Domenels are friends of mine, same with 3rd community I thought "who cares" and went to the East. But after 3-4 hours of gameplay I found that I had to finish one of those quests to meet the king!!!! But all Domenels are dead, and Knights with 3-d community just dont wanna deal with me. It's impossible to finish main quest now =((( I think that Knights and 3-d community have to change their attitude after I broke relations with Domenels. It's some kind of BUG. Yes I killed all Domenels, my fault. But all Domenels are dead how can Knights say that I have good relations with them. patch 1.03 does not help. Its so sad.. Saves: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wm9o8o6y5gud98m/c79defb4-0e4f-4b7e-9c27-2e6c6e0521e1%20autosave.savegame?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/mpg8cms3i6u6sji/c79defb40e4f4b7e9c272e6c6e0521e1%2011065347%20.savegame?dl=0 P.S. sorry for doubleposting
  2. I found bug in main quest. That it is step by step: I went to Domenels House gave them stone and took the quest to kill someone in knight's hall. In the Knights community I finished 2 quests (about machines and undeads) I found it more interesting so... ....so in Trading Company quest when Domenels appeared I killed them I believed that NOW Knights or the Travelers would give me new quest (domenels attitude was bad), BUT because I took Domenels killing quest (and didnt finish it) they said that I had good relations with Domenels so they wouldnt give me new quests. So...I went to Domenels house and... killed all of them =) Then I returned to Knights and.... nothing, they still thought that Domenels are friends of mine, same with 3rd community I thought "who cares" and went to the East. But after 3-4 hours of gameplay I found that I had to finish one of those quest to meet the king!!!! But all Domenels are dead, and Knights with 3-d community just dont wanna give me the new quests. It's impossible to finish main quest now =((( I think that Knights and 3-d community have to change their attitude after you break relations with Domenels. It's some kind of BUG. Yes I killed all Domenels and can't take quest from them, my fault. But all Domenels are dead how can Knights say that I have good relations with them. patch 1.03 does not help. Its so sad..
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