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About Beejee

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  1. No probs Cantousent, I understand the reasoning behind the validation process with new accounts, and with the new release you probably have your hands full
  2. My previous post confirming the problem on Ubuntu isn't yet approved but I found a solution for the flickering cursor so I'm hoping the 2 posts will appear in order. There was a similar problem in wasteland on gnome3, and someone posted a fix here: http://steamcommunity.com//app/240760/discussions/1/613936673400191099/ The actual fix is a simple command line command: gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active false Alternatively you can use the application dconf Editor, navigate through the tree: gnome |_settings-daemon |_plugins |_cursor And click off the checkbox next to active. After that restart light-dm (or reboot) and you're set. I've tried this on my ubuntu install with Unity interface and should work for gnome 3 too. Success!
  3. Hi, I have the same problem of a constant flickering game cursor in Ubuntu 14.10, Unity desktop. Performance is perfect though (in reply cranydin above me who also sufferred performance probs when using the gnome desktop). When I keep the game running and swap out to the destop the flickering keeps on going with the default mouse pointer in Ubuntu. Does anyone have any indication of the cause? It's not gamebreaking but can be detracting. If anyone needs any other debug info i'll be happy to supply. Cheers!
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