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About Shaktari

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  1. so every one in a while when loading into the game, it will just automatically, deduct 150 days worth of wages all at once. for example i saved them with 26k worth of money in my stash. i loaded the game, and it when i got to the map i was on, it deducted 11k worth of money in rapid succession. i did this a couple of times, it just kept doing it till i only had 1 cp left in my stash. kind of sucks needs to be fixed.
  2. This is going to have spoilers for act 3 so be warned I am doing the quest "servant of Death" and i know there is a way to get high ovate erona to willingly commit suicide through talking with her. my question is how? I have aloth in the party, and that dosn't do it, then i read that you need a character with resolution 15 and i have one with 16, but that dosn't trigger the option either? can some one please help?
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