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Posts posted by Avatea

  1. Im not sure if this was answered yet regarding the Thieves Letter in the Doemenel Quest Chain.

    -I never did the warehouse

    -First entering Defiance Bay, I did Temple Woedica, Hermitage Hill, Sanitorium, and Dyrford Ruins before heading to Lady Webb.

    -From Lady Webb, went straight to House Doemenel, escorted to Abecan who sends me to fetch the letter.

    -Upon entering I have a different dialogue option that says "Relax. Abecan Doemenel sent me, he wants the letter back."

    -Then answering anything except "If you want to work for House Doemenel in the future, I suggest you make this easy." leads to a fight.  This is the only dialogue option that works.

    Received Letter, no kills.


    There is a Might Check in dialogue which leads to a fight.  Other than that I can not tell what else is the defining trigger for this other dialogue?


    Hope this helps someone.

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  2. For such an aweful, game stopping bug, will the devs please spend some time fixing this?

    It's happened to multiple characters of mine, some were so far along in game play that it's completely discouraging to go back 30 hours of game play to reload a previous save.

    Some game options will not allow me to go back to a "good" file.


    I do love this game. I just would like the comfort of playing my characters with the spells/skills they were designed for without having to repeat tons of hours of gameplay.


    I can not pinpoint exactly when it happens: all I can tell, is that the spell or skill is usually still being cast after a fight is done and when something else automatically happens ie. cutscenes, dialogue, save game etc.

    Please keep me informed of any fixes. I'm losing interest in this game the more this happens.

    Thank you kindly.

  3. i would like to thank everyone for their posts on this thread. I should have read these before I started, I have learned so much!

    My Cipher is level 7 in middle of Act II and my build is:

    Might 18 (-1 Orlan, +1 Living Lands), Con 15, Dex 18, Per 12 (9 base, +1 The Pilgrims Lasting Vigil, +2 Orlan), Int 12, Resolve 5 (3 base +1 The Pilgrims Lasting Vigil, +1 Orlan).

    Stealth 7, Athletics 3, Lore 6

    I use Hold Wall (Arbalest) to start and as soon as melee begins I switch to Duel Wield Stilettos (One of which is Azureiths Stiletto, which says it "grants Jolting Touch"). That stiletto is amazing, i thought it gave me the spell to use like a mage, but instead it randomly casts it in melee combat. It procs more than I thought it would (although dont depend on it), but when it does, the damage is pretty nice.

    I have never had a restart an never died and gain focus really well.

    Draining Whip is a must for duel wield.


    I have nothing more to add that hasnt been said already.

    If i had read this thread prior to starting, I would have done things slightly differently to tweak the Cipher build.

    Thanks again to everyone who posted with great advice, you people are awesome!!


    Yes, im a noob lol.


    (Rolling Orlan makes me want to Kill Durance every time I talk to him.)

  4. I just finished clearing the castle: I killed Raedric because his rationale is brutal to his people and his own wife and baby. I didn't like what I heard about Kolsc, then when he entered the throne room with all his mannerisms I Really didn't think he would make a good leader either. So I killed him also and all his men.


    Now I would like to know: is there any way I can take over the castle as my own personal stronghold? Or did I just royally mess up this storyline here? Will it remain permanently abandoned?

    I honestly thought, given the choices, that I would make a better ruler. Lol.

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