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About GourleyGames

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  1. I agree. I'd love to be able to put Second Chance on items myself. Or Annihilation. Or any of the myriad other effects that seem to be unique to the items they're on (but not SINGULARLY unique, so far as I know). Make them take rarer reagents. That's fine. I just want to be able to be free from keeping around items I could upgrade because their enchantments are too good to pass up. I'd also love to be able to rename items. Write a description for them if I want. I can't imagine allowing us to edit the text boxes of an item name and it's fluff description would be tough. But, admittedly, I don't know. Also, yes, enchanting hats and cloaks would rock.
  2. I actually managed to get through the fight on Hard, initiating trough dialog, without sending anyone in beforehand to pull the group back. I wasn't sure how it would go, as I wasn't expecting to find them all there like that but I didn't want to reload. I got it in one try, but it was pretty tough. My party is Edér, PC Monk, Aloth, Durance, Kana, and Sagani. So I had a full party of 6, at level 4. That may have been a deciding factor, especially as Sagani's fox can pin down a guy too. The positioning for Durance and Kana I found to be pretty critical. That fight starts and ends as a mosh pit though, so it isn't difficult to get everyone in your friendly AoEs. The thing that sucked was, due to the close proximity, Aloth was pretty severely hampered (I still don't have Slicken on him, I imagine that fight would've been easier if I did). I don't remember my strategy off-hand. I didn't have much of one going in beyond saying"ohhhhhh no" and reacting as things happened. Edér went up to engage one of the archmagi and a couple other soldiers. Raedric also decided to party with Edér. So that helped. My monk tied up a champion and a paladin. The fox helped out my monk. Then I had my firing squad in the back make the most of things, although they had a paladin on them. I was able to power through it though with some debuffs and Durance's encounter ability. It's a hard fight. I'm looking forward to having more. I felt like a boss after the smoke was clearing and Raedric was a cooling puddle on the floor. Only Kana got KOed! Durance and Aloth weren't touched. But if Edér or my monk had gone down, things would've been worse. Keep at it! You'll get there. Like others suggested, I'd say go in with at least 5 people, if not a full 6.
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