So I have this party of 6 with fighter, monk, mage, priest, ranger and chanter (fighter and ranger self-made from tavern, rest story companions. (yeah I know story c's aren't good but what am I to do?)
Playing on Normal because yes, I *want* some tactics and not a action-oriented approach like Easy. So please dont 'advise' Easy mode, first read to the end. Thanks!
I think I use an intelligent approach to battles with a self-made formation, a true tank (fighter), 2 high-defense (monk and ranger's bear), 1 mid-ground (chanter) and 2 backrow caster/supporters.
I use Space and Slow time all the time because frankly, if you don't you're totally screwed.
All my character are level 4. However, whatever I try, be it bounties (no matter which), clearing the keep dungeons (around dungeon level 3 with that Ogre boss or that Drake in the blood pit) or continuing the main story line (southeast regions) --> it is virtually impossible to win any major fights. I can handle smaller groups of mobs without bosses but as soon as there are any hard-hitters or freakingly resilient stuff I get smashed in the face and die within seconds.
What's wrong!? How the hell am I supposed to advance my party if every important fight is simply unfair?
Also, is there any way to see enemy levels so I know if maybe I'm just lagging behind and need to get some XP somewhere else? (but where!?)
I use healing, area spells, class actions and positioning in every fight yet the enemies are so overwhelmingly strong and durable I simply go down without even killing one or two of them.
Honestly, I need some general advise on why this kinda thing happens. I'm pretty sure it's not due to lacking 'skill' of mine (if I used Space any more often to give commands I'd freeze the game forever) and I have simply followed the quests (doing sidequests too) until now.
Can someone help!? Thanks in advance!