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About mynameisjacob

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  1. Please tell me there is a way to WALK in the game... I did not wait this long to be dissapointed. I'm not talking about 'slow mode' or 'stealth mode'... I'm talking about regular normal person walking like in Baldur's Gate II! It looks idiotic to be running around like a madman inside an inn or tavern and totally kills the immersion. Is there a console cmd to activate this?
  2. THIS THIS THIS THIS x1000 Please add a walk toggle! I actually found this forum by googling "pillars of eternity walk" and I'm glad others have the same complaints. I see my character walk during the cutscenes so why can't I choose to walk? I remember being able to walk in the Baldur's Gate games. I'm with the OP on this... I don't feel like playing this game until the 'walk toggle' feature has been implemented.
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