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Everything posted by g1mps0r

  1. I don't think that hardmode is too easy in every circumstance. What makes it "easy" is just the expierience of players. As an example if people didn't played the older games they would prever damage instead of cc spells as catser which makes the game alone 10 times harder.(4-5 times oil makes nigh everything on hard a piece of cake) Another thing is running around with 2 fighter(tank) with 3 times knockdown(6 knockdowns per battle) Combine that on top with a rogue(my rogue does the single target damage of 4-5 party members) and you completly break the game. With 2 stilettos + vulnerable attacks and dual wield mastery they just shred through everything within seconds. But as I said if you don't combine those 3 things or even don't use any of those it's for sure hard. For everyone who played those kind of games before it's kinda easy because rogue/wizard(cc) are just too unbalanced if skilled right like in baldurs gate/nwn.
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