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Posts posted by 76prophet

  1. Hey OP (BMiBudster),


    Anonymity on the Internet is largely an illusion, especially when you're not particularly clever about how you maintain that illusion. That's a lot of obviously pirated software.


    Now, I could be totally wrong in this deduction from a rather shallow search, but if I can determine a relatively logical association between an Internet pseudonym and a real identity in just a few brief moments, imagine what a motivated agency with actual investigative powers, such as Australian law enforcement, could do. 


    How's the weather in Bondi Bay, NSW, Australia? It would be a shame if that career were somehow threatened by you potentially being a (not too bright) criminal.


    Again, I could be wrong. Then again, I could be right. If I am correct, you may want to think about how you perceive and manage your on-line persona, especially when it comes to admitting to seemingly criminal activity.


    G'day mate!


    Cant EDIT:  Good grief, don't stalk each other!  That's what the devs are for.  Just kidding.  Don't stalk the devs either.

  2. I have no idea about upgradability through different product tiers through Steam.  But, if you looking for a DRM free solution, you're only option is Good Old Games, I believe. You can get Hero, Champion, or Royal editions through GoG. Honestly, the extra content is all additional digital goodies; there is nothing added to the actual game.


    Unless the digital goodies are important to you, the Hero Edition from GoG should suffice.

  3. So...you would not like to be able to create/join a group of like-minded fellows, with a Game Master (you know, Dungeon Master) who can literally be any role, and just...go...have...fun?!?


    Why would you not want this?


    Don't you realize how many hours of fun you can multiply that into?


    In essence, you get UNLIMITED gaming sessions. 

    Yuck. That sounds an awful lot like social interaction. How very tiring.  ;)



    I do the same thing. After my first playthrough, I went nuts creating different characters until I finally forced myself to start playing. Once I advanced a little ways in I got attached and kept going.


    Of course, I've got a handful of chargen programs for other games that let me keep rolling up characters. I can't stop. I don't even play those games.


    Send help.

    Ha. Sometimes I go to the nwn2 vault or whatever it is called and just make characters as well...never play them just make them.


    Same team.  ;)


    Try this:


    (reinstall) the 1.03 patch, then install 1.04.


    I have a hunch that GoG re-updated the 1.03 patch with the subsequent hotfix. Thus, if you installed GoG's initial 1.03, you may not have the hotfix applied, thus the version check fails.  Total speculation, but I had to reinstall 1.03 before I could install 1.04.

    Might this apply for Steam users too? I can't launch the game due to a "corrupt file" after a very troubled download. 


    Steam does it's own auto-patching thing so I highly doubt this applies to your problem.  

  6. So there's not actually anything wrong with my game that I can see, but I would like to check whether I installed things correctly. I had downloaded Patch 1.03 from GOG on April 4th (i.e. more or less as soon as it appeared). More specifically, the file I installed was:

    patch_pillars_of_eternity_2.0.1.2.exe (83261 KB)

    Today, I tried to install Patch 1.04 or, more specifically,

    patch_pillars_of_eternity_2.1.1.4.exe (11757 KB)

    which GOG labels Patch 1.03 to 1.04, but in fact this fails saying that I'm trying to apply it to the wrong version. I thought this was curious and tried to download and install what is currently called Patch 1.03 on GOG, but it is in fact not quite the same file:

    patch_pillars_of_eternity_2.1.0.3.exe (82996 KB)

    This installed just fine and after that I was able to install Patch 1.04 as well. I tried starting the game and it seems to work.


    As far as I can tell, what is labeled "Patch 1.03" on GOG has been sneakily changed to a very slightly different file which can be installed on top of the "original" Patch 1.03 as well as on top of the base game (since the original Patch 1.03 is no longer anywhere on GOG). Is that the case?

    I believe so yes. Can't say for sure. I figure GoG posted the original 1.03 patch. Obsidian then released their hotfix. GoG did not roll out a separate patch that included hotfix patch; they just updated their 1.03 patch, then rolled out 1.04. So, folks who updated with the initial 1.03 ( without hotfix) needed to repatch 1.03 (with hotfix) before patching to 1.04.



    • Like 1
  7. Something is definitely wrong with you. You need to start playing the game. And on Hard. Hard is actually easy.

    Thanks for the vote of confidence! ;)  


    I do play on hard. The first few characters were on normal. That got way too easy really quickly. The next few were on hard, which just gets easier and easier with each new character. I've played most classes into Act 2 content. The curiosity of other builds/possibilities inevitably kicks in and I try something new.  It's a thing that happens when I play games.


    Don't get me wrong. The game is great. I'm really enjoying it. I just have to laugh at myself about how often I get caught up by the possibility of the 'next shiny thing' and abandon one character for another. It's a common theme in how I play games. My post really has nothing to do with volume of text, level of difficulty, or anything else really. Honestly, it speaks to my appreciation of the attempt Obsidian has made at offering their vision of something old/something new. I'm digging it. It's my attention span and ease at which I get distracted by possibilities that is the problem (which isn't actually a 'problem'). 

  8. OP,


    Basically it's the lack of voice acting. You reach a part in the game where there is no voice acting and you get bored from all the reaing. So to experience something new and exciting you decide to re-roll a new character.


    Try listening to this youtube video, it gives some great advice when it comes to Pillars of Eternity book reading.  




    It helps a little bit.


    My post was just a little self-deprecating poke at myself. You should try it some time. Humility, honest and fearless self-evaluation, and a little humour can go a long way.  You should probably give up on trying to shoehorn your hangups and perceptions into other people's thoughts and perceptions.  Consider that a little friendly advice, because, like, I care about you as a human being and stuff. (Not really)


    For a guy who seems really hung up on the amount of reading in PoE, you sure do create a lot of text. In a different post, in which you yet again insisted on spreading your anti-reading crusade, you brought up hyperlinked definitions for words. Try this one.   ;)


    Have a very nice day. 

    • Like 4
  9. /self-rant


    My name is (not) Bob and I am a re-roller.


    The same thing happens over and over again. 


    1. Get game X (with character creation process).
    2. Exhaust all permutations of character creation.
    3. Play through opening hours 42 times.
    4. Get sick of opening hours.
    5. Shelve game.
    6. Return to actually play in a year or so.


    Something might be wrong with me. Games are for playing. Gotta keep telling myself that.

    • Like 11
  10. I think we're good on number of classes. I would prefer more specialization. All classes have specific things unique to them, carnage/constant recovery/etc. it would be cool to have talents that modify these in interesting ways.


    Like constant recovery takes an hp/s hit to become a small aura or carnage only hits 1 additional target with accuracy/damage bonuses. Perhaps some unintuitive stuff like -1 spell uses for wizard in exchange for various bonuses.

    Yeah...e.g., give that wizard a focus/bonus (or a unique spell) for a specific damage type at the cost of a couple spells (the trade-off would have to be fairly significant depending on the bonus)...


    Something like that. 

  11. The current selection of classes covers things pretty well. I'll parrot the "specialization" aspect though. It'd be great to have more race/culture/deity/character history-based talents/abilities. Stuff that can be used to really define a very specific (or diverse) sub-set of any given class based on who and what they are would be extremely cool. Wouldn't have to be too involved though, maybe just a couple talents (or even additional attribute boosts?) based on the character creation options.


    /shrug Something like that maybe. Basically, I'd like to see the current selection given a few more options.

    • Like 1
  12. PoE is a wonderful game. However, it may just not be the game you want it to be, which is a drag...but that's happens. God I had such high hopes for Dragon Age 2 (what a massive massive let down)!


    Anywho. A couple people in this thread have offered some solid advice. Maybe once you get a firmer idea of the mechanics and flow of combat, you'll find better enjoyment. I'd go through what has been suggested. If, after you've got a decent handle on the mechanics and whatnot, you're still not into it, then you're just not into it.  That's cool. I don't like soft cheese but other people do.

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