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Everything posted by νisceris

  1. ...only one way...
  2. Clearly we are inbred twins, or dupe accounts.
  3. I'm afraid to ask what my role in this is.
  4. This is getting to be a bit much.
  5. I wonder how long I can keep this up?
  6. Why should they believe you?
  7. How can one guy post as four accounts all at once?
  8. posting as
  9. I think one of my alteregos might be less than straight if you know what I mean. Morrisey?
  10. This thread is giving me a head ache.
  11. Eru, I mean Volo, I mean Eru just likes to say masturbation and women in the same post.
  12. Can we get back to complaining about games? If you guys keep this up, I'll have to revert to my bunny state.
  13. Oh, I've got your inventory completed. 1 fap. 2 fap. 3 fap. 4 fap.
  14. That wasn't even remotely funny.
  15. Volo is never logical. Volo is as logical as I am chipper.
  16. Groinboy makes me look chipper by comparison.
  17. They say insane people talk to themselves.
  18. Ahem.
  19. You don't want to know how many accounts I have.
  20. Ender, Hades, Rabbit and I are all the same. We share one bed and one head. It is quite messy and confusing.
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