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Everything posted by Noelle

  1. Hello I bought the complete pack for 25 dollars when the game hit the google playstore and the market and now when I sign in it says i havent paid for the complete set as in seen of the rise of the runelords buncle. My google name is Christiana.7@gmail.com and was wondering why I've been locked out can someone please help me I paid it in august 28, 2016 now it says i have to buy it again I dont understand
  2. Hello my name is Noelle and I'm having a game save issue the game will save when I start playing and I exit the game and restart it again my saves arent showing up can someone help me? I'm on steam by the way...fully updated already checked file integrity uninstalled and installed I really wanna play this game again but know its unavailable due to the save issue
  3. why is everyone trying to fight him at such a low level arent you supposed to be at a higher level to fight him?
  4. Hey does anyone know how to unlock the console commands in the game. I looked up some and seen theres some console commands for some but some commands are locked how do you unlock them, the developers seem to have locked those commands and I wanna unlock them
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