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Everything posted by Talon0226

  1. Yes I do have the correct lens and yes I did try spawning them, No diff. This is a glitch that I never had a problem with the first two times through the game pre patch. If I uninstall then reinstall does anyone think this could fix the problem or just stay the same due to the fact I would have to reload to an eariler time before this problem came up.
  2. I have all three peices for the lightsaber and everytime I talk to Bao-Dur he tells me I am missing the lens and yes I do have the lightsaber lens fixture not an upgrade lens. I tried using an external save game editor to remove then readd in the peices but that didn't fix it either. Yes I do have the latest patch (this never happened before the patch) and I use no cheating of any kind before this problem popped up. I would rather complete this quest than cheat my way there.
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