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About theHappyDance

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
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  1. To add to this, several suggestions of my own: *The option to have text labels over characters heads on-screen in combat so it's easier to select the party member you want / target the right enemy. *Fix fog of war by changing it to wider radius, and changing the filter for explored areas to the minimum shade (i.e. maximum transparency/visibility) that still makes it clear that NPC's are being hidden by it. The scenery, from what I've seen, is quite nice, but it would be much nicer if most of it were not hidden most of the time. Also, using a lighter shade in daytime, and a medium to darker shade at night (they might already do this last part but I haven't played enough to be sure). *Ability to choose when recruiting unique companions whether to let the system select levels for them, or to leave them as level one with bunch of stacked level-ups. One long-standing gripe I had with IE games be it DS IWD and similar skill-tree based game with companions was that you needed to choose between exploring at your own pace, and having any say in how your party was leveled. It kills the fun of exploration if you need to blaze through it once before you even start playing. You can get around this in principle by using all tavern companions, but that kind of defeats the purpose of having unique companions. I know there's also the console commands, which I probably will use as a band-aid for this, but it would be nice not to have to. *Add the option to use static portraits for party members, based on their 3D models. The unique companions seem to mostly be okay portrait-wise, but I was somewhat frustrated that a significant percentage of the portraits don't have models that match up with them (wrong hair, wrong face etc..), and the majority of the 3D models have no portrait that reflects them, or the few that do are done at bizarre angles that I wasn't a fan of. An option to generate 2D portraits from their initial 3D heads & torso armor and/or option to generate it on the fly (update 2D portraits whenever they change their armor). A per-character option for invisible helmets might also be nice.
  2. Hi all, Gold level backer here. I've played some of Act I so far, but have yet to see any tombstones in game (I paid for the in-game memorial). I thought it might be nice if we had a list of where all the backer NPC's and in-game memorials were to make it easier for backers to find their little piece of PoE. Also, small suggestion regarding the NPC's. I'd be a lot more inclined to read more of them if they just were text-based. I find I skip all of them because the weird soul mode thing with the screen change and noise is distracting and takes me out of the game. I think if it was just the text, people would complain about them less since they'd meld more into the game. The alternate mode and noise that sound t are big alerts that say "you're leaving PoE and entering Kickstarter backer mode" that aren't really needed IMO. If they were displayed the same as in-game text (i.e. without all the fanfare), players would be less annoyed with them since they'd be on-screen quicker, and quicker to get off-screen if players didn't want to read them (or that particular one). Thanks!
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